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Later that evening....

"Hey everyone!" Jessica said, welcoming Sarah, Holland and Beatrix in.

"Hey Jess, how are you?" Holland asked.

"I'm wonderful!"

"I can't wait to take a dip in that pool." Sarah said, fanning herself.

"Me either." Jessica laughed.

"Mommy, can I have a pool party too?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course!" Jessica laughed and kissed her daughters head.

"Best day ever!" She squealed before running outback.

Jessica walked upstairs and changed into her bikini. She noticed she'd gained a little weight in her stomach and immediately went to the bathroom to grab a test.

She held her breath as she waited on the results. She hated taking them.

After a few minutes she looked down and covered her mouth, 12+

"Oh my gosh." She cried. To calm her nerves, she decided to take another one and it showed the same results.

She quickly called Danny.

"Can you come upstairs really quick?"

"Yeah, give me a sec." He said worried, she sounded like she'd been crying.

Jessica waited and then finally heard his hurried steps.

"Yeah Jess? Are you okay?" He asked, inspecting her.

"Yeah." She stood with teary eyes.

"What is it?"

Jessica turned to the side and his eyes went wide.

She then handed him the test.

"Oh my gosh!" He grinned, kissing her deeply, quickly slipping his tongue into her mouth and laying her back onto the bed.

"Has anyone seen Jessica or Danny?" Sarah asked.

"I haven't seen them in atleast half an-gross." Micheal said disgusted.

Sarah realized his point and made a disgusted face.

"Double gross."She said making Micheal laugh.


"Happy birthday to youuuu!" Everyone sang to Oliver as Jessica blew out the candles to his cake.

"Happy birthday Ollie."

"Gather around everyone." Holland said holding up the camera.

"Everyone say Jessie's pregnant!" Danny said, holding her by her hip.

"What?!" Sarah screamed, hugging Jessica.

Jessica hugged Sarah tightly.


"I'm becoming a big brother again."

"I'm finally getting my sister!" Evelyn squealed, making Jessica laugh.

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now