108 5 5

May 1st
33 weeks

"We need baby names." Jessica said as she looked up from her book.

"I know and I'm blanking on baby boy names." Danny said.

"I like Micheal." Micheal says from the other couch.

"Me too." Evelyn says.

"That's my girl!" Micheal says high-fiving her.

Jessica rolls her eyes at them.

"I think I'm going to put a suggestions box on my desk."

"That's a good idea." Danny says.

"I thought so too. I wish this baby would stop kicking. He's feisty."

"Can I feel?" Micheal asks nervously.

"Yeah come here, give me your hand."

She grabs his hand after he moves closer and she presses it into the side of her belly.

"That's so cool!"

"I wanna feel!" Evelyn says jumping off the couch.

"I guess everyones going to feel him tonight."


"Evelyn get up its time for school."

"Noo mommy. Bring the weekend backkk."

"I wish I could sweetheart."

Jessica gives her a few more minutes while she walks down to the basement.

"Wake up Micheal!"

"I'm up, getting ready to hop in the shower."

"Okay you have 30 minutes."

Jessica walked back upstairs to deal with Evelyn.


Evelyn sat up.

"Arms up." Jessica pulled Evelyn's nightgown over her head and put on her dress for school.

"Okay, we're starting the book, I'll be seeing you today."

"Another book?" Micheal jabbed at her.

"Why're you complaining you haven't read the last five." She jabbed back.

"Fair point."

"Anyways, you have to to pick a theme from this book or a previous book we've read for your senior research paper."

Jessica suddenly got a contraction and her knees buckled for a moment and she grabbed onto the desk. Her ears rang for a moment as she breathed past it.

"Are you okay?" Darlene asked.

"Yes, sorry folks, false contractions," She said smiling at them, "continuing, you have to do this research paper in order to pass."

As Jessica turned around to the board, Travis leaned over to Micheal.

"Pregnant or not, I'd tap it." He whispered.
Micheal fought back the urge to gag and looked over at Travis like he was crazy.
"Nope." Was all Micheal could muster to whisper back.

"Also, I put this box on my desk for name suggestions for this little guy." Jessica said rubbing her belly.


"Mommy!" Evelyn squealed running to her mother.

Jessica picked her up and hugged her.

"How was school?"

"It was good. Where's bubba?"

"In the car."


Jessica smiled at the fact Evelyn took right to Micheal.

Thoughts and suggestions? Baby names?

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