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"What?" Jessica stared blankly at the nurse.


"Oh, I think I'm going to be sick." She said, gagging from feeling so nauseous from the stress.

"It looks like you're about 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant. You're due in late June, early July. No set date quite yet."

"I'm in shock. I can't think of any words to say."

"It's fine."

"I'd like the genetics test ran."

"Okay, we can set you up for a later time to do that."


"Indeed Jessica." Susan said laughing as she walked into the room.

"I don't know if I'm happy or if I'm sad or worried."

"You got this Jessica."

"I'm going to send this paperwork home with you so that you can start planning the birth of your baby." The nurse said cheerfully.

"Thanks." Jessica said slowly.

She walked out of the examination room and to the lobby. When she looked up to go to the door, Danny was standing there with flowers and smiling. Jessica ran to him and he held her tightly.

"You okay?"


"Okay, you ready?" He asked looking around at the crowd.

"Yes." She said holding his hand as they walked out.

"I had Sarah drop me off."

"We could go get lunch before we go back to get Ev."

"Sounds good to me."


Jessica played around with her food and Danny looked at her suspiciously.

"What?" She asked, looking up at him.

"What'd the doctor say?"

Jessica ignored the question and continued to pick at her Mac and cheese.

"Evie!" Jessica squealed as her daughter ran to her.

"Mommy!" She screamed when she made it to her mother. They embraced and Jessica picked her up and walked back to the car. As Jessica buckled her in, Danny turned around.

"Hey princess."

"Hi daddy."

The ride home was filled with Evie's chatter about preschool. Jessica and Danny just chuckled and rolled their eyes at her. Danny kept looking over at Jessica, making sure she was okay.

Later that night Jessica was getting in bed after tucking Evelyn in as Danny looked up from his book.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know anymore," She sighed laying against him, "Whatcha reading?"

"The Bridges of Madison County. I finally am getting around to reading it."

"I told you to read that months ago."

"Well, it's chick flicky."

"I'll give you that."

"You like it?"

"Yes, it's different. I'm not understanding why she doesn't just leave?"

"That's the exact question the rest of us have."


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