64 7 1

March 12th- 9 months

"Oliver! Stop it! Come here!"

Oliver giggled and continued to crawl away.

"Mommy you like my outfit for school?"

"I love it, let me catch your booger of a brother."

"Okie Dokie."

"Ma, have you seen my textb- oh my god."

"What?" Jessica's head jerked in his direction.

"Ma!" Oliver was covered in the dogs water and food, Micheal held him up to Jessica in disgust.

"I'm going back to bed." Jessica said, laughing.

"So the textbook?"

"It's on your bedrooms shelf, 3rd down. Evelyn, your backpacks on the kitchen table and Oliver stopppp." She whined toward the end and grabbed him from Micheal.


"You're getting a bath Mr."

"Doug needs a bath too mommy, after school I'll give him one."

"Guys, I'm still not dressed and I have 8 minutes to leave. Danny! Take over."

"Coming!" Danny came in from his study and took Oliver to the bathroom to bathe him as Jessica quickly threw a dress on.

Jessica looked in the mirror at herself and smiled. Yes she was tired, but she was beyond happy.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's get to the car."

Evelyn and Micheal followed Jessica out and Danny followed a few minutes after with a still soaked Oliver.

"Are we ready?" Danny asked as he got into the drivers seat.

"As ready as we can b-, where's Sophie ?"

"Shit." Micheal said, running in to get his girlfriend who was still doing her makeup in the bathroom vanity.

"We're leaving."

"I'm coming, one more."

Micheal and Sophie got into the car a few moments later.

"Alright, now we're leaving!"


As Jessica was teaching, the classroom phone rang.

"Anyone expecting a phone call?"

The freshman just looked at her like she was crazy and she shook her head.


"Hello Mrs Huston, Mr Huston is here  and is on his way."

"Oh okay, thank you Margery."

She turned to the door and held a finger up to the students as she stepped out.

"I think he's broken." Danny said panicked as Oliver wailed.

"He's not broken." She laughed and grabbed the baby, who instantly started pulling on her top.

"He wants his mommy? 2 hours of screaming for this?"

"I'm going to have to quit my job."

"No, we just need to get him past his clingy stage."

"Give me my nursing cover, and I'll keep him, we only have to two periods left."

Jessica grabbed the nursing cover from her diaper bag and went back into the room with the baby. She sat and situated Oliver.

"Sorry folks, now someone tell me their summary of this chapter."

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now