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Jessica walked downstairs in Danny's shirt and shorts on. She'd fallen back asleep after the whole 'incident'

"Morning everyone!" She smiled at everyone.

"Nope, I'm still scarred."

"You act as if you saw anything."

"Nope, but I smelled it and almost saw it."

Sophie and Zoe chuckled at Micheals disgust.

"Where's Evelyn?"

"Her and Danny are outside with the baby."

Jessica made her way outback to their boxed in patio.

"What's up strangers?" She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled as she sat on the arm of the chair.

"We're trying to see if his eyes are going to lighten."

"I want him to have green eyes mommy."

"I don't think he's going to have green eyes. I think he's going to have your daddy's dark eyes like you do."

"You think so?" Her eyes lit up at the thought of matching her little brother.

Jessica kissed Evelyn's forehead as she and Danny continued their gaze at a very alert Oliver.

"He's like none of you have boobies." Danny said with a chuckle.

"Only the mama has those." Jessica said.

"I love our little family."

"Me too, Jess."

Jessica walked back into the house, situating Oliver so that he could be breastfed when she sat down.

"Oh come on ma!" Micheal said as she sat down and pulled out her breast.

"I'm feeding your brother, he's covering the nipple."

"That's far from the point."

"They're just breasts." Sophie said.

"No, they're my mother's breasts, which makes them disgusting."

Jessica rolled her eyes.

"I find them to be wonderful." Danny said, walking in holding Evelyn.

"Oh we know." Zoe and Micheal said in unison.

"You too?" Danny asked.

"Honey, you two are loud."

"And disgusting."

"I swear, I should've let you walk in this morning." Jessica said with a blank expression.

"I would've died."

"Drama king. I saved you from that, you're welcome."

"Little man has good timing."

"Oh come on!" Micheal groaned.

Jessica and Danny chuckled at Micheals disgust.

"Wanna come play princesses Grandma?"

"Of course! I gotta get my grandma time in before I go home tomorrow."

"I get my bed back tomorrow! No more snoozing with my little bro who never sleeps."

"He's never even been in there with you except last night because of the special day today."

"We bonded in those few hours and we're back to the you and mom are gross."

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with this book now, I hope you're all still enjoying it❤️

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