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January 24th
20 weeks

"I'm sooo pregnant." Jessica groaned as she tried to fit into her jeans.

"You my little guy are taking up too much room, making momma start early with these clothes." She said patting her belly, as she gave in and put on a maternity dress.

"Why get dressed when we can stay in bed." Danny murmured.

"Because unlike you Mr, I have to go to work."

"Me too."

"You get you're own hours Danny."

"Go to sleep." He said patting the bed.

She kissed his forehead and then his lips before heading off to Evelyn's room.

"Wakie wakie sunshine."  Jessica said as she flipped on the lights and gathered Evelyn's clothes.

"Go to sleep mommy." She said patting the bed.

"Just like your daddy."  Jessica said shaking her head, "Up."

Jessica picked up her half asleep daughter, dressed her for the day, and carried her down the stairs. She sat her down in the kitchen chair, handing her a pop tart from out of the counter.

Jessica grabbed a piece of paper and smiled to herself.

Don't forget to go grab a few groceries, we need to go check out furniture for the nursery soon. I love you always, your wifey.

"Alrighty, lets get a move on to school."

Evelyn groaned and grabbed her backpack.



"Yes love?"

"Don't make me go to school today."

"Baby, I have to go to school too."

"Yeah, but yours is more fun."

"Yes because preschool is sooo hard."

"It is very hard mommy."

"I know, but we must go."

Jessica climbed out of the car and kissed Evelyn's head before unbuckling her and getting her out of the car.

"Out we go."

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too." Jessica walked her to one of the teachers supervising and the teacher walked her in.


"Alright your homework is due tomorrow!"

The baby kicked around delicately as she spoke, the bell ringing made her jump and laughed at herself.

"Have a good day Mrs. H."

"You too."

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now