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January 8th- 8 months

"Maaaaaaa!" Oliver screamed from his crib.

"Ma's coming Ollie as soon as I find my robe." Jessica dug around in the floor for the robe she'd been wearing, but Danny had thrown on the floor.

"Ha! I found it."

Jessica walked down the hall after putting on her robe and grabbed the baby.


Jessica walked back into the room and sat on the bed and fed him.

Danny rolled over and smiled sleepily at Jessica.


"Hi." Jessica giggled at his messy hair.


"You Mr need a haircut."

"I thought you liked my hair long?"

"Mm, maybe."

Jessica kissed him.

"It's Saturday morning and we're up at 8am."

"He wanted his nummies daddy." Jessica teased.

"I want your nummies too."

"Hush. You got them last night and made my robe go MIA."

"But I miss them already." He caressed her arm lovingly.

Oliver reach over and smacked him.


Oliver giggled and unlatched from Jessica as he crawled over to Danny.


"Nooo, you're mean." Danny pouted.


"Yes sir."

Oliver collapsed against Danny.

"You hurt his feelings." Jessica pouted as she covered herself.

"Jessica, I did not hurt his feelings."

"Yes you did. He's broken." Jessica laughed.

Oliver whined and threw himself against his mother.

Jessica hugged him tightly and smiled broadly as she took in her surroundings. She had a loving husband and 3 kids. Things couldn't be better.

As Jessica zoned out, Danny brought her back to reality...



This is the end of Jessie....I hope everyone enjoyed it! I love you all and you truly don't know how much you've helped me through with your kind words...❤️

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