Dear Sweet Antonia

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Tony is enjoying some peace, mid leisurely flight through New York City in his standard red metal attire.

It's a brisk Wednesday evening in November with a wife who is about to pop at any moment and a team all in fall break mode.

His coms beep haphazardly, suddenly aware of an alert from Fury directed to Natasha. He answers with a bit of a nasally snap, allergies unappreciative of the leaves changing colors;

"Yeah what."

'Don't you dare take that tone of voice with me-!'

Tony lifts an eyebrow over hearing Maria Hill's voice, double checking the numbers on the inside of his helmet;

"What did you do to Fury?"

'There's a situation in Queens that demands some attention.'

"What kind of situation? I'm over Broadway."

'Just get there. I'll contact the rest of your team. Forwarding the live footage now.'

"Great. You're so helpful. Has anyone ever told you that you lack decorum? Professionalism? Manners?"

She hangs up. Tony sighs, calling his wife next, "Pepper?"

Potts answers his call immediately, 'I'm here.'

"Duty calls. Can you handle business while I clean up the streets?"

She huffs, 'Do I have a choice? What streets? I'm supposed to be heading out in ten minutes-and there goes my pen...I can't bend over. Jesus Tony-!'

"Are you alright?! Is it the baby? I'm twenty minutes away-!"

'I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, the baby isn't coming anytime soon. These are false contractions. Just! Ow- let me get to my meeting-.'

"There won't be a meeting unless I can settle this issue in Queens. It's on the same strip. Stay home. Call in sick."

She scoffs, 'I'm out of sick days. And maternity leave is already going to put a dent in the reserves-.'

"Hey look! You just got 10 more. How did that happen?! Magic!"

'Keep both hands on the wheel.'

"Your scolding is irrelevant. I'm flying."

'You know what I mean. Stop getting distracted, stop worrying about me, I'm fine,' her voice pauses on the opposite end, 'Good luck in Queens.'

. . . . . . . . . .

The buzzing of Clint Barton's device demands pausing in his woodworking.

The archer moves to push up the sleeves of his light sweater and calls for his girlfriend still inside the small cabin;

"Yo Laura?"


The brunette steps out in her light fall wrap and nods toward his phone, "Was that an alert?"

He nods and moves toward her to peck her cheek, "I'll grab my bow- are you good? Up here by yourself?"

"I'll crash my sister's,' she shrugs, 'Maybe I can drag her up here with me to do some refurbishments."

He squints curiously, "Really?! Your sister likes the wilderness?"

"No. But if I pay her she'll help me work on the cabin a bit. Hey,' she catches the collar of his leather jacket, 'Don't come home with another black eye. And don't let her boss you around."

He lowers his head to throw the bow over his shoulder, "Nat's fine- get to know her-."

"You still haven't told the rest of your team about me have you? And I wasn't talking about Nat. You know I like her. I meant the other one."

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