The Breaking Point

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Natasha is searching for an office as she passes through the hall. The wooden floor creaks as she enters, still in her long green dress. Her memories are haunting, the mansion slowly chipping away at whatever strength she has remaining.

There are ghosts attached to each piece. Blood stained memories of her 'sisters'.

Natasha finds herself gripping the wall with a slight stumble, just outside Ivan's office.

"Natasha?" Ivan steps out with the door creaking just a tad. His bow tie is undone and hanging open around his neck as he holds the door for her. Presumably, where Alexei is waiting.

Her vision may be blurry but she can walk on her own. The decor in the office is equally as haunting, and she recognizes piece after piece from different countries. Ivan is a collector- she knows this.

Someone is screaming in the back of her mind, toes burning with the false memory of pointe shoes that barely fit.

Natasha stands at his desk when he lets her go, pouring a glass of vodka...

As if either of them need any more right now.

"I need to know something," she mumbles, barely out of her head.

He watches as she hugs her biceps, "What now."

"Are you restarting some sort of Black Widow program with Riley and Violet?"

Alexei offers his half drunk glass, "You talk shit. Calm your nerves."

"Why else would this be the place you decide to call 'home'? This goddamn hellishly decorated prison,' Natasha takes the glass and chugs, 'The boys had a lot of questions for Riley for tonight."

"And you for Blonsky."

"I don't remember you being this jealous. Bruce. Now Emil,' she pauses, steadily regaining her composure, 'The British accent made him interesting."

She brushes a hand over the various art pieces that are somewhat less haunting.

She's suddenly a baby again, playing with a figurine from Ivan.

Natasha hovers over the one from India. She knows its story and what it means to Ivan.

Pulled from a childhood memory, she is now in some abandoned home in Calcutta convincing Bruce Banner to join Fury's team.

Remembering Bruce brings her back to the present. With a stronger voice she addresses Alexei;

"When will you let me in."

Alexei shifts behind the desk, "When Ivan says."

"I can't just, sit around all day and stare at the walls," her eyes lift as she faces the wall, "I know what you're doing has something to do with the girls. They're not just fosters."

A brief pause fills the room, his mumbling and the sound of various crumpling papers follow, "Who are they in fantasy world of yours?"

She grinds her molars as her thumb rubs over the art piece, "I know where they're from. Both of them are orphans with high intellect for their ages. I know they both feel things deeply and have bonded with each other... What I can't figure out is why your guests tonight cared so much."

"The maid does what she wants. We let kids stay."

"Are you restarting some sort of Widow program..."

He looks up toward her. His wide eyes give off a hint of fear which conveys to Natasha she's at least on the right track,

"No," he states plainly and sinks into the chair behind him to study a page.

A page that she absolutely needs to read at this very moment.

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