Mountains and Valleys

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"Izzy! Do the thing!"

Natasha jumps over the familiar green energy Izabella is all too keen on presenting in front of the team gathering in the lab. She chooses to close her eyes while Steve commends, Tony applauds and Fury huffs quietly over the show.

Natasha bites at her lips and rocks back on her heels, somewhat negative even though she's trying, "So you can bring back...writing utensils?"

Stark shakes his head and drops his hand, "Seriously woman; Does nothing impress you? I mean really...!"

Rhodes calls out and lowers his palm, "Tony! Calm."

Izabella seems disappointed over Natasha's lack of a response when she shares something in Russian directed toward the agent.

Romanoff just nods over it, "Yes I know that, thank you for telling me."

The redhead is quick to stand, "It's a great start- toying with rubber bands and all that."

Clint spins in his chair, speaking up for Natasha's sake, "Have we tried life? You know, a mouse or something..."

Izabella frowns, "No! We not test on living thing!"

"No? Why not."

Izabella thinks to herself, her eyes low when she reaches into her pocket. In her hand lay a broken fork, burnt and hardly there. She hesitantly reveals it to Clint with a mumble;

"You remember dinner?"

Barton looks up to spot borderline unrecognizable item, "What's that...!"

"I'm out! I'm going back to tech support!" Rhodes steps back.

The girl shakes her head, "Not everything come back okay."

Tony drops his head backward, complaining to the ceiling, "Oh come on! Really?! When were you planning on showing me THAT!"

"I was not?"

" know what? I respect it."

Natasha shakes her head with tears in her eyes and storms out of the room with the door slamming behind her. Fury follows with nothing but concern.

Clint frowns with a nod. He thinks for a moment and moves to exit the lab, "..And now I'm being summoned by Fury. I've gotta go..."


The archer stops, pausing over the meek call of the ten year old, "What."


He's frustrated, "What."

She shrugs, "Do Natasha hate me?"

He nods, "Yeah, kinda."

Izabella takes a shuddering inhale, the tears about the flow.

Tony panics and rushes to her side trying to make light of the world, "Woah woah woah! We talked about this! There's no crying in baseball!"

"She hate me!"

"She doesn't hate you, I mean come on, who would hate you?!" Tony tries with his eyes wide, searching for Barton to help.

Clint just shrugs, "I mean- Nat kinda does, we just said that."

"Not right now!"

"It's true!"

Izabella yells with tears in her eyes, "Stop! Ty razdrazhayesh' !"

Clint shakes his head and glares, " Ya Znayu! Durak !"


"You've got a mouth..."

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