The Enemy of My Enemy

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"Thor Odinson!"

Izabella jumps behind Banner, looking on as the demigod attempts to hide behind Barton.

Svetlana steps back, watching as Jane storms directly for the large blonde. As long as this person is not a threat to her empowered niece, the woman can stay.

Clint swats Thor away;

"What did you do bro?!"

"I proposed!" Thor nearly fumbles over his words.

Jane laughs, the couple circling each other around the living room, "You did much more than that!"

They circle, Jane on one side- Thor on the other maintaining equal distance between them.

"I know not why you have arrived with such fury," Thor attempts to laugh it off.

Jane hits a nearby pillow and moves to throw it in his direction;

"Yes you do, god damn it! I just flew across the world-! By old fashion airplane if you're curious! Because! You weren't in New York! So now! You owe me $2,000 and a vitamin c for flying STANDBY and sitting in the middle seat with no elbow room!"

"How did you find me?!" Thor dodges.

"It was easy,' she pauses to lean forward, 'I followed the stench of abandonment and the trail of pop tart crumbs!"

"Woah, woah! Easy!" Bruce interrupts to take Svetlana's turquoise vase out of Jane's grip.

"Y'all really can't take this outside? It's Christmas," Clint grumbles.

Jane shouts, blowing her long stray hair from her eye, "Tell them what you did Thor. Tell them!"

He stammers, adjusting his sweater, "I do not know-!"

"You left me with your mother! Alone! With your mother!"

Thor stands taller, "My mother is a wonderful queen, you dare not speak of her in some horrid way!"

Svetlana taps Jane's shoulder, rubbing kindly, "What did stupid man do?! You tell me and we beat him."

"No 'beating'," Bruce holds his head, trying to prevent any escalations.

Jane nods, narrowing her focus on Thor across the room, "You."

The demigod shakes his head, "I do not understand-!"

"How about, we all sit down, breathe for a moment, and you guys talk this through back at the shack?" Bruce offers.

Barton laughs, "Nah, I like the idea of a beating much better. Hit Thor, Izabella."

She panics, "I not hit!"

Svetlana reaches for Jane's face in all seriousness, "What he do! You tell me."

Jane breaks with a sniffle, sinking into the stranger's arm, "He left me! Up in Asgard with his dysfunctional family. And this weird head of some animal!"

"You enjoyed the feast!" Thor refutes.

"I'm talking!" Jane wipes her nose with the back of her hand, "And then he proposed but it was awful, and I was so embarrassed. I couldn't think straight so I said 'no', in front of everyone. There were so many people!"

Bruce hides in his hands. Clint is laughing.

The demigod shrugs defensively, "was ceremonial! It's tradition!"

Jane throws her arms in the air, "And then I ran inside- he didn't follow me-!"

Barton whispers in Thor's ear. "Even I know you follow."

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