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Tony holds his daughter as the twosome look out the window. He's eager to show Antonia the New York skyline, explain how he flies over daily to protect the city, and fights with the Avengers.

Pepper laughs as she sits up from her hospital bed, "Alright, give her to me."

He sits in the chair beside the girls, head resting on a palm when Steve knocks and enters with a small white box;

"Good morning Stark. I brought breakfast."

"We got some earlier from Brucie but thanks," Tony mumbles.

Steve looks around, "...are they still here?"

Tony shrugs and brushes at his pants, comfortable in their luxury suite, "They were. Do we need a search party or to bail them out of jail?"

Pepper brushes her head, "Oh my gosh, leave them alone. They stayed with us until midnight last night and got here at 6 this morning!"

Tony groans, leaning to kiss Pepper's cheek and stand up to pace, "Maybe we should start a hunt."

Clint's ears perk up over the word, tugging at his sweater upon entering the room uninvited and without knocking; "We're going hunting? When?"

Tony points and lowers his head back into his forearms, "I'm looking for the Banners, you dingbat. Do you want to hunt for a hulk?"

Barton turns outward with a thumb pointed toward the door with a wide eyed stare, "Clearly none of you have been in the parking lot recently."

"Ehem," Natasha pushes the door open, coughing as she runs a hand down to flatten her top.

Bruce closes the door behind them and moves to adjust his collar nonchalantly as the couple casually reenter Stark's hospital room, eager to take a place up against the wall.

Tony looks up, "Oh good! You're back."

"Where were you?" Clint narrows his focus toward Natasha who shrugs as they share the knowing glance.

She blushes and looks downward, fighting a grin as she runs her fingers through her hair;

"We were in the car. Took a quick nap."

Clint scoffs, "Really?! You have a nice bed at home- ow! Nat! You hit me!"

Natasha speaks up over her friend with an abrupt cut off, "When can you go home Pepper?"

The tired mom shrugs, "Hopefully soon. I could sleep for the next 8 days straight."

"We'll. Just let us know what you need baby wise. We'll kidnap her for a night or two."

"We will?" Banner asks in a daze, still adjusting his hair, "I mean we will. Sure."

The redhead crosses her arms, "Who's handling the press."

Pepper drops her head back in pure exhaustion.

Tony lifts his focus, "Well...I was gonna show her off real quick and zip off with Happy."

His wife shakes her head, "I thought we agreed not to do that."

He nods, "Okay. Rhodey went to my meeting this morning so my bestie can't damage control."

Natasha nods toward Banner, "Steve and I can make a general statement on health and gender. Let you two run away."

Pepper nods immediately, "Yes please."

"Clint and I can help load up the car...?" Bruce offers. Barton nods quietly.

A nurse interrupts with a smile as she makes her way through the crowd, "Good news Mrs. Stark! You are all set to go."

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