Behind These Hazel Eyes

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Natasha lifts her device post phone call, swinging it from side to side;

"That was Izabella."

Bruce looks surprised, "Mikhailov?"

"She called to talk about a new bicycle and asked when you could help her with homework."

Bruce is unimpressed, folding the sweater she had on the day before back into his luggage in a haze.

Natasha bites her cheek, "I told her to call you directly if she needs anything while I'm away."

He twirls the band on his left ring finger while his eyes look across at the digital clock blinking on the nightstand.

Natasha can barely look at his sad eyes without sudden nausea. She hates to leave him, no matter how long the mission lasts.

"Hey,' her gentle call demands his full attention, 'This isn't forever. Once I have the intel I need I'll come home."

Bruce waits in the silence as he takes in every inch of her. He's staring as if it's a permanent goodbye, as if he needs to freeze every bit of this moment. Memorize every tint in her eye color, every freckle and curve of her mouth.

"What is it?" She asks.

He reaches for his jacket and tries to suppress when he he finally looks away from her;

"I know you don't need me to but not being there to protect you feels wrong."

"I know," She forces a smile, understanding where his words are coming from even if she wants to correct them.

Bruce swallows hard and melts into her palm now laid over his cheek. He breaks with an emotional tone, "You'll come back, right?"

She brushes her thumb over his skin. He's not asking about her person, he's asking about her mind.

"Bruce, yes. They can't break me. I'll come home and I will be myself when I do. I promise you,' she wiggles her beloved engagement ring, 'this thing won't leave my finger. Nothing is going to keep us apart."

Banner unravels quickly, content in her hold. He forces a laugh and bites his lip to keep his composure, "Nat I'm- breaking. I'm trying."

"I know-."

"I should be the strong one and I'm just- not. And, you're incredibly selfless. You're up and off, trying to make the world a safer place while I'm struggling to let you go- And gosh that's weak-."

"It is okay not to be okay,' she cups his cheeks with both hands now and makes him look her in the eyes, 'I love you, Bruce Banner."

"I love you so much, Tasha," he reaches to brush her hair behind her ear.

"Hold me Vrach?"

She hugs him close, her arms tight around his waist. Her eyes close over his arms pulling her close into his chest.

He whispers against her bright red hair, inhaling that comforting scent of her citrus perfume, "Be safe."

"I will."

"Can I kiss you 'goodbye'?"

She scolds firmly, "This isn't 'goodbye'."

"Can I kiss you anyways?"

Bruce tilts her head upward when she nods, moving in for a slow, breathlessly deep and passion filled affectionate maneuver.

. . . . . . . . . .

Bruce is watching the spy put on an act worthy of an award. Her duality, skill, and persuasive tactics seem to be convincing enough.

While Ivan seems to approve whatever she's convincing both her and Alexei of in Russian, Bruce settles on a stool of a nearby bar and lifts up a menu. The idea of drinking makes him gag, but he left other calming options back in New York.

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