Can I Go, Where You Go

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Jennifer waits with Bruce by the door, their soft voices deep in conversation. She's pushing him to talk about the dimensions while he picks her brain on how to deal with ten year olds.

Walters smiles, "You'll figure it out."

"Thanks for volunteering Natasha and I just to, peace out."

"I have my own child to deal with," She laughs talking through her teeth, "Are you being dramatic? Or are you actually mad at me."

"I'm anxious," he wants to elaborate but doesn't.

Jennifer checks her watch, "I know something is up. If you won't tell me, tell Natasha?"

Bruce leans up against the wall, crossing his arms defensively, "Eventually."

She leans against the opposite wall, humming in her green form, "You know I'm never out of reach, not for you. The worst thing that could happen is you get my voicemail and I call back within the hour."

"I know."

Jennifer drops her hand at her side and peers over her shoulder. There's too much to talk about between the twosome and too little time.

"We're almost at my stop. What do I have to do to convince you and Natasha to come visit Cali?"

"Help adopt out children so I don't need to pay for a weekend of daycare," he laughs through his response.

"Maybe you'll adopt one yourself."

Bruce shakes his head and looks elsewhere, watching Natasha enter with slow and rhythmic steps.

Jennifer bites her cheek;

"Are you doing okay, cousin?"

Romanoff has her hands in her pockets when she nods, "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

Natasha ignores, uncomfortable with their looks of empathy. It's still too new so she briefly questions Jen's intentions. Though, silencing those negative voices in her head is easier than usual.

"Thanks for coming,' Natasha tilts her head, 'You work well with us-."

"Don't you dare."

Stark enters, a glass of bourbon in his hand as he passes through with Rhodes;

"Were you seriously going to leave without saying 'goodbye'?!"

"Goodbye," she salutes with two fingers at her forehead, "Where is the Captain? And Barton?"

Natasha points to the ceiling of the jet, "Clint likes to hide out on the bridge."

"I really thought you were going to say he was in the vent above you," Tony remarks.

"Wow," Rhodes pauses, his eyes wide as he chugs the contents of his glass.

"Where's Thor? I want to go say 'goodbye' to him and Jane,' Jen pauses, 'Now that's a cute couple, they're adorable."

Tony drunkenly raises his volume, "Ha! You should hear about Thor's proposal-!"

Bruce nudges a sharp elbow into his friend to immediately shut him up.

"Get off my jet, Walters," Fury sarcastically moves to hand her a check and waves her along.

"My, my,' She releases an over-the-top sigh and hugs her cousin first, 'I love you so much."

Natasha is pulled in next, forced into an elongated hug when Jen addresses her, "I love you too."

Tony opens his arms.

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