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"I know who you are."

No more startling words have ever been spoken to Natasha as she finishes her workout in the one room she feels only sort of safe in- her own.

Natasha rotates her head, sitting up with a hair flip post her 150 crunches, "I don't know who you're accusing of being..."

"You're Natasha Romanoff, you're the Black Widow," Riley comments without a hint of doubt, lingering in Natasha's door.

"There were a lot of Widows," the redhead tries to dissuade.

Riley isn't buying any of it, "You're her."

Natasha stands and heads for the hand towel in her bathroom. After running the red cloth under a burst of cold water, she finds her eyes in the mirror.

Riley looks so starstruck. A glimmer of hope in the typically dark shadow tinted eyes of the child.

"Yeah, I'm her."

While the spy admits her identity with just a hint of shame, the corner of Riley's mouth quirks upward even if it's just for a moment.

"Why are you here? I thought you were one of the good guys," she mutters under her breath.

Violet comes charging in at her maximum speed to join them, "Can you teach us how to fight?!"

"Good morning to you too," Natasha lays the towel on her forehead while she observes Violet's high energy.

"Please?! I want to punch someone like Black Widow!" The littlest one is pouting with a perfectly full lower lip and eyes she seems to know how to use.

Riley nudges her young 'sister' and sits beside her, "Don't embarrass me."

Natasha throws her head back with laughter.

Riley is fangirling and the spy isn't accustomed to handling this sort of reaction. Most children visiting the tower and its vicinity want to shake Steve Rogers' hand or wait with anticipation and ultimate disappointment when the hulk doesn't show up to break anything curbside.

"You're her favorite but we aren't allowed to watch tv so she forgot what you looked like," Violet giggles.

Riley reaches to cover her mouth.

"Oh?" Natasha steps out and abandons her towel.

"Yeah!" Violet squirms away from Riley, "She wants to punch people like you!"

Riley rolls her eyes and surrenders. Perhaps deciding the damage is done- her secret is out.

Natasha restrains her inner excitement over having a fan, "You know there's more to being a...Black Widow, I suppose, than punching."

Violet squeals and sits closer to the edge of the bed as if she's about to fall off with her eyes transfixed on the spy, hanging on her every word, "Like what?"

Natasha crosses her arms and gives the sass right back, "Well. How about this; I know Riley's favorite color is teal and she listens to Taylor Swift when she thinks no one is watching."

"You snooped while we were sleeping!" Riley's eyes narrow suspiciously.

"No," Natasha responds with a single finger raised, "I'm observant, patient, and the boss of my own fears when I take on a dangerous assignment-."

"You get scared Miss Natasha?!" Violet's eyes are wide.

"Sometimes," the spy admits honestly and crosses her legs as she settles on the ground and the girls eagerly join her, "Punching is only half of it, don't misunderstand me, it's good to know how to fight. But, it is also important to grow and to have a strong mind if you want to outwit your opponent. Patience is important if-."

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