Lost and Found

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Natasha is pacing their emergency headquarters, passing agents and teammates on her way toward Izabella.

Svetlana is on one side, Jane on the other as they try to calm the child.

"I really need you to tell me what happened out there,' Natasha slams the door behind her, 'What did I just watch?"

Jane stays soft, reaching for a pen, "Here, why don't we show Natasha what you do-."

"I saw it-! Jane. Thanks,' she snaps, trying to regain her composure, 'Where is he?"

Izabella shakes her head, trying to match Natasha's stronger expression, "I not know. I make things go away."

"You don't know- on zhiv? ty ubil yego -."

"No," the girl steadily loses her composure over Natasha's words.

" Tebe nuzhno poprobovat'. Vy zabotites' -."

"Stop! You hurt me!"

Natasha nods, "Would you rather just go home? Quit. Because I could just let it go if that's what you want."

"No! Not until Vrach home."

"Good," Natasha swallows hard, feeling somewhat guilty for losing her temper. But Izabella is Russian and there's a mutual understanding in her firmness.

She can't help it. In pushing Izabella she spots a fire in her soul. The tears are no longer for what she did or can't do but for what she suddenly is willing to try. They are friends, or at least Izabella would call them friends.

Natasha on the other hand seems distant and cold. A wall up with her young friend who she doesn't understand at the moment.

Jane shifts in her stance, hand over her belly when she addresses Izabella with a kind smile, "Here, do you wanna go find the lab? We can try to practice calling back objects like we were doing with Dr. Ban-."

Izabella nods, "Yes."

The stern faced Black Widow moves out into the hall, still in her dirt covered clothes from the battle.

Maria greets her at the entryway, "You're putting a lot on a little kid."

"She can handle it. Any hits on Fury?"

"Not yet-."

"Get me the location of every operation in Russia-."

Maria follows behind, tablet in hand, "Nat? Can we talk as friends for a moment?"

She breathes a deep inhale, sinking into her hip.

Maria nods over Natasha's stance, "I think you need to take a twenty minute break. You're close to both of these situations-."

"Am I."

"You didn't exactly follow protocol with the General-."

"I brought Bruce home,' she rolls her tongue over her cheek with tears in her eyes, 'That's my priority. I want the director and my husband to come home. And I'll do whatever I need to in order to make that happen."

Maria takes the remark and stays by her side, "I understand, but I know you. And you're in a vulnerable place right now after leaving Alexei and Ivan."

Natasha reaches into her pocket, locating the vial from Bruce. She twirls it, "Can we run this?"

Maria sighs over being ignored, "What is it?"

"Give it to Jane."

The two women freeze over an intrusion alarm. Maria reaches for her gun while Natasha lifts a fist over the front door being broken into by a slender green giant in her thick combat boots. Her long dark hair flops up and back, dark green eyes pinning Natasha out of the group;

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