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The infiltration of Black Ops headquarters goes about how Clint and Natasha were imagining it would. Jennifer in her she-hulk form has destroyed half the building in a pent up rage and to defend Steve Rogers at her side.

Natasha runs down the hall, spotting her broken and exhausted director in his 'prison cell.' Nick Fury looks up with a grin when she reaches a hand through the cell and onto his, calling for him.

"What took you so long, Romanoff?" He asks with a bit of snark.

She lifts a key in her blood stained fingers and smirks through her broken stare.

He narrows his focus, "I heard the noise."

She mumbles and unlocks the cell, "Walters can't exactly keep quiet."

Clint hurries the twosome along, leading them back through the hall and defends his friends. Natasha keeps her hands on Fury's arm, worried about his balance as they run back out. The three meet in a collision, Steve covered in dirt and she hulk rolling her wrist.

Fury waves his forefinger toward the big green, "I told you I'd draft you one day."

She rolls her eyes, "I'm here as an independent contractor trying not to murder you all for losing my cousin. All of it is in writing back in headquarters, it's a five page document outlining the terms of this agreement signed by both Hill and I."

Clint pauses and nods up the way toward a dark finger dressed in black, "And she's here."

Natasha mumbles and reaches to pull a baton from off her back, "I've got this."

"Romanoff! It's not worth it," Fury scolds.

Steve pants, gradually trying leading the group out with a finger on his com, "Let's go. We can make it without a fight."

Natasha focuses on her target, "I have to end this now or she follows us to Izabella."

Clint tries to reach for her, "Nat, come on-."

"Go Barton!" She yells and charges forward to face her enemy head on.

It's a cold hearted fight that begins between Natasha and her figure dressed in black. On an average day Romanoff would have preferred a diplomatic solution, needing Steve to lead the team out rather than confronting this dark leader. Her accent is thick though she chooses English;

"Alexei is back."

Natasha laughs, "'re going to have to try harder than that to throw me off."

The push and pull, leaving Natasha with a black eye and her opponent with a bleeding lip. The punches come in hard, a pistol firing and a baton clashing.

The Black Widow flips her weapon and prepares for round two, taking space to breathe.

The woman lifts her shoulders in a large shrug, taking out her own white and electrocuting batons, "You know, Natalia. You can't win. There are at least three teams of us who want that girl. You can't beat us all."

She shakes her head over an aching memory, "I killed everyone else in my program before I was 12. Whoever I didn't kill I buried. I've murdered at least 50 for you. I think you underestimate my team and I."

The woman circles, "See I, heard, that you've gone soft. It's this team of yours. Ivan tells me they're your new weakness."

She shakes her head with a smirk and pins her enemy in a rapid maneuver. Overpowering her friend turned enemy with ease, she mumbles, "You still don't know me. I make my own choices now."

"Even if you kill me here, in my own home, Ivan will always be a step ahead of you."

"That doesn't matter."

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