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"I'm 99% sure I pegged Romanoff-,' Clint moves to check his map, 'She's at the mansion."

Maria leans over to see his work, "Give her code 97918 and see if she responds."

Barton huffs, "You're still bossing me around."

She glares, "You're still not listening."



"Maybe if you didn't yell so much-."

"I never yell! How long have we known each other?! Please!"

Jane darts between the garage and the kitchen, stacking her drinking glasses.

Maria looks over the ledge that separates them, "We could just go to the lab at headquarters-!"

"No!" Bruce retorts and heads back to the garage with a new stack of items.

Tony is yelling on his video screen in the corner, propped up to aid Jane and Bruce in their emergency endeavor. Izabella needs an immediate solution before she randomly starts sending anything she touches away.

'Turn the screen around I want to see the kid!- Hey kid! It's your favorite Uncle Tony, what's going on? Vrach's making you do science projects outside of homework hours?'

"Man of metal!' Thor dips his face in front of the screen, eager to spot Antonia, 'Is that your offspring? She is quite small!"

Tony mumbles, 'Will someone please get Hercules off my screen?! He's scaring the baby. Now Alex is eating my shoe-You're making the dog anxious! Jane! You look less angry.'

Foster glances between the screen and Thor, a hand over her stomach, "We worked it out."

Bruce takes up the device, sitting beside Izabella, "Here's where we're at; she's evaporating anything and everything that pops into her palm. That same green energy I was telling you about? Well. That. Thor said something about realms-."

'Do tell. Because that sounds extremely relevant to the current situation, I'm dying to know.'

"What if he's right."

Tony twitches on his end, shifting Antonia to the other arm, 'I don't get it. Where did your brain just go-Time jumping?'

"Pockets of alternate timelines that don't bend the rules of it."

'Alternate dimensions...'

"Far-fetched but! Lucky for you,' Jane puffs her chest a bit, 'This is my specialty. Izabella says she's seeing threads, colorful threads, is that right?"

Bruce looks at Izabella for clarification; she quickly provides, "Nit', yes."

Bruce turns back for Tony, "Experiment one; is trying to have her think up these, specific 'threads' and call back various items she's, supposedly, evaporated."

'...you morons set that up quick- not you Bruce I'm talking to the idiots in the back- and what's the backup plan if it all explodes?'

The physicist shrugs, "Either we help her to figure this out, to control it, or SHIELD takes her. And it sounds like they're not the only interested party."


Maria calls back from up the stairs and in the kitchen, "SHIELD isn't evil, just want to clarify."

Bruce looks over his shoulder, casual in his remark and slightly calmer than an hour prior, "Did you find Nat?"

"We found her com."

"I asked about Natasha, not her phone," Bruce twitches as he looks back at the camera, a flicker of green in his iris.

Tony gestures, 'There's a whole lotta green about to be happening over there...'

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