That's Life

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A fussing Antonia finally settles in Banner's careful arms, causing his shoulder to fall and the arm to ache.

Tony climbs on Banner's desk and extends a magnifying glass, "Here Sherlock."

The physicist accepts his joke, far too desperate for clearer vision to refuse his current offer.

"Very funny Tony. Here. I found these downstairs,' Pepper enters the room with a pair of glasses in her hand, 'They've seen better days."

"They'll work,' he recognizes his pair and accepts with a gracious nod and one hand, careful not to disturb the baby, 'Thanks Pepper."

"How's my little one? Is she having fun with you boys,' Antonia's mom circles to see her baby, tenderly brushing her cheek, 'I can take her back now if you need a break."

Bruce turns in no rush to give her up, "My arm is numb but. No rush."

Tony shakes his head over Banner's response, "You need to hurry up and have your own so Antonia can have a cousin around the same age."

"She has Alex," he answers quickly with no desire to continue the conversation. Suddenly he's eager to hand Pepper her baby.

Tony debates on pushing further, his jaw closing quickly. Natasha's entry causes Stark to put a pause on any further prying dialogue.

The redhead's expression softens over seeing the baby transferring from her husband's arms into Pepper's, taking a moment to daydream.

She spews her words, "I got confirmation on the mission."

"Venice?" Bruce asks with his eyes still on Antonia.

"Yeah,' she steps closer, 'Are you coming?"

The physicist addresses Tony, now at the opposite workbench, "Ask him."

"For how long?' Tony asks, 'I need him back by Friday for the big reveal."

Pepper shakes her head over Stark's answer, cradling her daughter, "No you don't."

Tony defends his remark in full detail, explaining how he can't handle the press alone and that she will be too busy with the baby to attend.

Pepper rolls her eyes, "Fine. You're right, I'm wrong."

"You're not wrong, I just have a plan."

She nods to brush him off, "I get it, thank you. I'm going to get food for myself before I feed Anna. Who wants a sandwich?"

Natasha lifts her packet with a shrug, "I should pack."

Bruce reaches to clean his lenses, keeping his head down when he asks, "What's the mission for."

"It's vague. It's not something I can share even if I had the details."

Natasha knows Bruce is upset based on the way his eye twitches over being denied information.

He offers a quiet nod and returns to his screen.

"I'll come,' he nods toward Stark, 'As long as I'm back by Friday morning."

Natasha has additional plans, hoping for time with him outside of her mission, "We'll be back by Thursday night."

"Perfect," Bruce breaks and gives her a grin, watching her step abruptly away once she gathers the response she wants. He bends over his desk and clasps his fingers to tug aggressively.

Tony peers over his station toward the doctor, "Don't like Italy?"

"Italy's fine. Her more cryptic assignments stress me out," Bruce pauses in his nervous movement upon realizing he's being watched.

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