when we met

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Aaisha, s pov

My eyes clashed with those gorgeous blue eyes and my heart did a summersault ant acrobat would be proud of. A shiver ran down my spine down all the way to me legs. I could see desire and something more I couldn’t name, in the stranger’s eyes. the sexual tension between us was so apparant as I approached the seat vacant just in front of his. I took steps approcahing my seat, all the while staring at him.  He was unbelievably gorgeous and i simply couldnt take my eyes off him. i realised that he also staring back with the same intensity, his blue eyes blazing.

O god why r u doing this to me? I wondered mentally rebuking myself. I don’t want this. I want to concentrate solely on my studies and my subsequent career. And here I am, finding myself attracted to this unknown stranger and that too on my first day. Great going kapoor!!

Same moment my conscious decides to make an appearance. ""No Aaisha", my conscious starts with her lecture ,"You don’t want this gal, shake out of it and concentrate on your goal. “My what?? Uh.. ya goal.. Which for now is to attend this lecture without being bothered by the handsome hunk sitting behind me, his superb body, his long legs, his bedroom gorgeous eyes...


I reached my seat and without glancing his way I sat down. I decided to ignore the hunk seated behind me and concentrate on the lecture.

the class eventually began and i found my mind wandering towards a certain guy in the back. i coudnt comprehend even the single word taught in the class as I was totally distracted.  I was conscious of every shift and every movement he made. As he leaned forward in his seat I could literally feel his soft breath on my back. Jeez. Can this class end any sooner,I thought getting irritated towards my reaction to the starnger. I needed to get out of here!! What the hell is happening to me?

As soon as the bell rings am out of my seat and make a dash to the door. out of corner of my eye i noticed him getting off his seat towards the door.I had a feeling he was coming after me. Oh no. I don’t wanna talk to him, it will only make the matter worse for me so i kept going with the crowd not even bothering about my next class. to get away from him was the only thing on my mind.

"Wait!! Hey!!" that was him! even without looking back I could tell it was him. i increased my pace ignoring pretending i didnt hear the call. But to my luck he caught up and halted right in fromt of me

I hal\ted to right in time so as to avoid colliding with him. reluctantly i looked up into his his blue eyes and that was the precise moment of my undone. 

Time stooped for me and so did my heartbeat when i stared into those gorgeous eyes and in that moment it was him and me. A train could have knocked me down and I wouldnt have noticed. Finally he broke the spell.

“Hi I guess you are the new student here.” he said softly. his voice was so deep and hyptonic, like dark choclate. mmmmm.

“uh ya, ya I am” i stuttered like demented idiot. brilliant kapoor!!

 I heard a soft intake of breath at my words.

“I would like to welcome you. I am Damon Shepard and you are..? He held out a hand to shake. I hesitated for a second before I placed my own in his. The moment our hands touch, I could feel a sudden jolt of  electricity coursing through my body. hell!! what was that? surprised by this I looked up at him and he had more or less mirrored my reaction to the handshake. His jaw clenched in a fashion as he was holding himself back. At that moment I even forgot my name.

We stayed like that for few minutes , i guess. but he was the first one to recover.

"Uh your name?“ He asked again, now sounding amused. My conscious slapped my head from behind and jolts me out of my thoughts again.

“my name’s aaisha kappor”  I finally managed to reply back . He raised his brows at my name.

“aaisha” . My name from his lips  sounds  so sexy and gave me another tingle down my spine.  Shoot!!what’s with this guy? Why am I reacting this way? What’s happening to me?

“So Aaisha, where you from?” he gestures me to walk as we realise it was time for my next class. Calculus. My favourite. I love math.

“I am originally from India, though my parents migrated to US when I was Five" i told him as we started walking towards the next class. "I was living in LA before shifting here”.

He seemed to digest the information. Somehow I couldn’t tell him about my parent’s death.

"India eh? Wow. I have never met an Indian girl before. Judging by the way you look, it has been my loss" he gives me a lopsided grin.

I grin back shyly (shyly? seriously?) and continued walking following his lead. Too soon  we reach my class and I turned to thank him for walking me to the class. Before I could form my words of thanks, he raises a finger and runs down my cheek. "I am glad I met u Aaisha. I’ll see you very soon "and with that he turned on his heels and strided back to the way we came from as I watch him walking down the corridor with my mouth open, my thanks still hanging inside my mouth.

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