you belong to me

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a new chapter. hey i,ve noticed u guys arnt commenting on my work. plz i need your feedback. it encourages me to write..xoxo



damon,s pov

After my interaction with Ron, I was starting to feel a little better and hell lot cheered up. For now I could see a teeny bit of silver lining in this scenario and i decided to  to concentrate on my mate. I admit getting her to accept me is gonna be one hell of a challenge. No telling what Intel she got on me from that Blondie who was sticking by her side whole day. By the looks of it they are already BFF, s.

 I frowned trying to remember if i had scored with that blonde chick in the long line of girls I might have had sex with.

  Nope! Never been in sack with that one. I have seen her around for sure and she’s reasonable pretty too, but I never paid much attention to her when I had Renata and her gang to have fun with.

 I ran a hand on my face rubbing and pinching my nose feeling drained, emotionally and physically.I surmised the day happeneings , marvelling at way it had enfolded. From finding my mate, discovering the fact that she’s human, issues of acceptability and then having to see my mate being kissed by that punk to top it all!

I could feel the similar rage stirring within me as I my mind went back to scene when that sick bastard dared to touch my girl. My fist clenched at the memory of it and an involuntary growl escapes my lips.

" Lets hunt that fucker down, Now! I  want to get my teeth around his neck. I want to see him wimper like a coward when i finally tear through his skin and end his lousy life. he dared to touch whats ours". My wolf snarled in my head, baring his teeth demanding vengeance, encouraging me to hunt him down and do exactly what he described.

With great difficulty I pushed him down and tried to soothe my raging wolf.

" calm down will you. Oh that punk will surely pay for this. But now isnt the time.  Right now we have more important things to do like dealing with my lovely mate who remained elusive throughout the day bar that one brief talk. I need to see her and make sure she knows who I am and who she belongs to. Aaisha kapoor is due for a surprise tonight." I told him with calm determination. he responded with a grunt but settled down murmuring something unintelligible which I decided to ignore.

I laughed out loud at the thought of the forthcoming lone time with the love of my life, envisioning her surprise when I would show up at her doorstap.  feeling a hell lot better, I again phased back into my wolf and sped into the darkness.

Aaisha,s pov

After talking to Sean I felt much better and also started to feel pangs of hunger. I jumped out of my bed and made my way downstairs.

Smell of burning food hit me before I reached the kitchen. I grimaced at the foul burning odour. I Found my aunt in the kitchen burning our dinner. I quietly leaned back against the high table in the kitchen watching her making mess out of what closely resembled  a piece of burnt chicken. although I couldnt be sure as it tottaly charred to the bone. I smirked watching her yelp as she touchd the hot pan in haste to save the poor chicken from total annihilation.

 My aunt couldn’t cook to save her life. She might be a brilliant doctor but sucked as chef. repressing a chuckle, I decided to make my presence known.

"So what was that supposed to be?" I asked strartling her. I could barely surpress a grin  when I saw the blackened pan with all the burnt chicken still in it.

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