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hello people, first of all, a big thanks you to all you for voting liking and commenting on my story. i,m obliged, humbled and elated all the same. sorry for keep you waiting , but heres the next chapter. i hope you enjoy it.

looking forward foe your reactions and votes


Aaisha's pov

I knew who it was though I couldn't see him as I was still surrounded by those guys. His powerful voice vibrated through the forest laced with such raw anger. The Blondie and his buds whipped around surprised at the interruption, creating a gaping hole where they parted a bit when they turned around allowing me to see him. There he stood, like a carved statue, tall and taut, fury evident on his handsome face. I could only stare at him dumbly, yet thankful he came when did.

I was so busy staring at him thanking my lucky stars that I failed to notice two more people that stood on his either sides. One boy, blonde handsome and well-built though not as much as Damon, still impressive and scary enough. And one girl. The redhead was tall and classically beautiful, she was scowling her eyes constantly shifting between the boys in front of me now. Her stance matched her personality that was like a cat ready to pounce. Her beauty was radiant even with the furious expression on her face , enough to bring out the green side of me out. i almost forgot the situation I was in, giving way to jealousy . Who was this girl? His girlfriend? So far I haven't seen her in any of my class though I recognized the blonde guy from English.

"Damon!" Blondie exclaimed, his voice booming making me jump "what the hell are you doing here? Run along with your followers. This isn't your business!"

"and that's where you are Walter, it is most definitely business asshole" Damon's returned. His expression was calm yet his eyes suggested otherwise. And something told me that a calm demeanour was only a camouflage to his real emotion. He was furious. Ready to kill furious.

" what the hell do u mean" Walter and his friends stood close to each other shoulder to shoulder , again blocking out Damon and his friends.

"Meaning u picked the wrong girl to mess with. she's mine." Damon said silkily with undertones of threat.

"Your girl?" asked Blondie, his voice wavering a bit

"yup and you have exactly five seconds to get away from my girl" warned Damon in same silky voice.

Walter and his friends exchanged a look amongst each other and started to laugh.

"hilarious" guffawed Walter, his buddies snickering along with him." you know Damon it's funny how you always want to act like knight in shining armour. "He continued in a smug tone.

"Hilarious dummy. Let's see how hilarious you find about what am going to with you, but first things first" Damon looked at the redhead and gave her slight nod.

Redhead returned Damon's look with irritation and started to walk in the same catlike stance she projected. She reached the boys in front of me and said one word.

"MOVE" her eyes flashed an unspoken warning.

And if we don't" countered Walter. Someone snickered. I think the blonde guy with Damon.

" seriously asshole? Have u forgotten last time? Looking for an encore huh?" red raised a brow crossing her arms." I'll say it one more time. Move!!"

Something akin to trepidation lurked in Walters eyes before he nodded to his friend who was blocking her way and let her pass. Whoa! What was that?

The scowl was still set on her face but now was accompanied by a smug look; she came up to me and stood right above me with her hands on her hips.

"Come with me" she said in a clipped tone still hovering over me I realised that somehow I had landed on the ground.

i'll make u mine....mate!!!Where stories live. Discover now