the dream

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Hello people,This is my first venture into field of writing. Forgive me for gramatical errors. I hope you enjoy the story.

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Aaisha,s pov

The shadow was catching up fast although I couldn't see IT. But I could feel its presence as it was fast closing up on me. My scared mind was unable to comprehend exactly what it was nor I had the guts to look back. I just kept running and running till my feet got numb with pain. My legs were threatening to give away. Soon I was completely out of breath. My breath was coming in short gasps and constant running was leaving me breathless.

I turned into the dark corner of an alley and pressed myself against the wall. Resting my head agaisnt the rundown wall, i tried to calm myself down. I desperately tried to listen to any footsteps or sound. Hearing none, I dared to take a peek and saw no one. Whatever that was following me, was gone. I couldnt hear or see anything.

"Oh GOD!!" I whispered slumping down on the ground. i could feel the beginnings of panic attack as it churned within me, steadily spiralling up and up till my chest tightened and exploding into severe pain. I cried out gripping my strained chest with trembling hands. My vision was a blur and I was gasping heavily for breath . I was fast loosing control over my body as I shivered with fear that gripped me and continued to suck me deep into its unforgiving folds. My clouded mind desperately fought against the blackness that surrounded me like a threat.

through th cobwebs around my scattered mind, i heard that same growl..AGAIN!! ii could barely make out the dark and loming figure at the end of the alley. Through my blurred vision i could see it has started towards me. feeling helpless and defenceless against the current danger i simply rolled onto the ground waiting for it to approcah me and end my life.

Slowly it came forward, the sound of growls getting louder with each step IT took.

"No don't! "I whispered again to that thing that was now in front of me shaking my head as i willed it go leave me alone. I was still rooted to the spot as fear has engulfed dowding my senses. My whole body trembled with the fear and unknown threat that the figure in front me posed. It was quite near now and stopped at a short distance in front of me. I squeezed my eyes shut in trepidation of being attacked any moment now. Minutes tickled by and nothing happened. I dared to open my eyes slowly and A pair of glorious dark blue eyes was the only thing that registered in my shocked mind before it pounced.....


My alarm was going off the hooks when i woke up the instant i felt the figure's attack . This has been happening everday like a choreographed sequence. I realised I was covered in sweat from head to toe as the consequence of the horrifying mysterious dream. The most bizzare part is that i have been dreaming this same dream ever since I shifted to Red Moon Creek. What was that image? Why have all these nightmares started the minute I stepped in this godforsaken place? And most importantly, whose eyes were those? Just thinking about those gorgeous yet intimidating dark blue orbs give me shivers.

The questions were endless and I had no answers. With a groan , i shut my shreiking alarm and forced myself to get out of bed as it was already seven and i didnt want to late for school.

I am Aaisha kapoor (spelled- letter I -sha) and I am of Indian origin. My parents lived in New Delhi, India before they migrated to USA. i was only five when they made the move. We were living a happy life in LA until an year back until our happiness was cut short by a freak accident. Both my parents died in the car crash. I survived. Until this day i wonder why I did and to what purpose I get to live whilst they didn't. I have been missing my mum and dad terribly every single hour of my life since past their death. Not a day goes by when I dont pine for their smiles, laughters and the good times we had together as a family.

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