Chapter 19: Trelawney's Dismissal

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*CW: Slightly Sexual Content*

November 20th, 1995 - 5:00pm

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?" a high-pitched voice squeaked in the distance, "IS IT PROFESSOR UMBRIDGE?"


I separated my lips from Neville's, facing the voices. Normally, I wouldn't have given much attention to the things that happened in the courtyard because they were usually fights, but Umbridge's name caught my attention. I began walking away from Neville, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Where are you going?" Neville asked softly.

"I'm going to see what those blokes were shouting about." I answered.

"It was probably nothing," Neville shrugged, slowly letting go of my hand, "Do you have to go?"

I nodded, crossing my arms, "I should if Umbridge is involved. If I'm the only student that's not there, I'll probably get in trouble!"

"You wouldn't be the only student because I wouldn't be there either..." Neville stammered.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing slightly, "Yet somehow, I'd be the only one to get in trouble!"

"Oh, Dawn, I doubt she'd notice," Neville assured, gently grabbing my hands and pulling me close to him, "Can't we stay here a bit longer? I mean... wasn't this nice?"

Chuckling underneath my breath, I quickly kissed his lips, "I never said that it wasn't, but we won't have any more of these moments if I'm stuck in detention for the rest of the year."

Neville sighed deeply as he let go of me, accepting his defeat, "It's probably just another decree..."

"I doubt it," I shrugged, "The decrees are always announced in front of the Great Hall, never in the courtyard... this is something else."

"If it's not a decree," Neville insisted, "Then it's probably not too important!"

"We can continue later, if we must," I chuckled, "But I want to see what's going on!"

Neville rolled his eyes in defeat, taking a step back. I quickly gathered my things from the tree before grabbing his hand, and the two of us started our trek back to the school. The commotion got louder the closer we got to the courtyard.

"Is the entire school here?" Neville asked, looking around himself.

"I told you it was something important!" I scoffed jokingly, "Let's find 'Mione, she probably knows what's going on."

Neville nodded in response as the two of us approached the courtyard. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Professor Trelawney standing near the bridge, a couple of brown trunks next to her; she was sobbing. Filch, carrying yet another brown trunk, approached Trelawney, placing it among the others as she bursted into tears. 

"It's Trelawney..." I whispered to Neville.

Neville investigated the courtyard, sighing, "Do you think she's getting dismissed or..."

"Well, from the look of her face, it doesn't seem like she's going on a short holiday..." I sighed.

Neville grimaced as we broke eye contact with Professor Trelawney in the middle of the courtyard. The two of us kept searching for Hermione until we found her standing near the west entrance.

"'Mione, did Trelawney get sacked?" I asked nervously.

Hermione whipped around, surprised to see Neville and me. She looked us up-and-down, her mouth dropping slightly.

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