Chapter 75: The Battle of the Astronomy Tower

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*CW: Extreme Violence & Character Death*



Remus rubbed his forehead with both of his hands before he shouted, "SHIT!"

I didn't pay much attention to Remus, instead I held my wand at the ready. Somehow, and in some way, deatheaters invaded Hogwarts, and a person was killed. Whoever it was, I really hoped that it wasn't any of my friends.

Something in the back of my mind told me that I've known all of this, like it was deja vu. This only filled me with guilt, but I truly had no idea what this thought was referring to because this was the last thing I expected to happen today.

"It's going to be fine," Remus assured shakily, "Just erm... stay near me, and don't go off by yourself."

"You think?" I scoffed, "I'm not trying to run into any of them. I don't want a repeat of last year."

"THEY'RE HERE!" somebody shouted in the distance, "DEATHEATERS HAVE BROKEN INTO THE SCHOOL!"

Remus and I turned around to see who shouted, and saw Ron, Ginny, and Neville run out of the entrance of the school. Neville froze when he saw me, and gave me that same concerned look from before; the one at the Ministry, and the one during Transfigurations. He looked scared, and a very small part of me wanted to wrap him into a tight hug, and tell him everything was going to be okay. But I wasn't going to do that, the rest of me didn't care about him like that. Besides, I had other things to worry about.

"We're aware." I scoffed as I broke eye contact with Neville, and pointed to the dark mark in the sky.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed, "I haven't seen one of those since the Quidditch cup! Does that mean-"

"That somebody's dead..." I stammered, "It's a possibility."

"We'll address that later," Ginny urged, "Dawn, did Draco tell you anything about his afternoon plans during detention?"

I shook my head in response, "I can't remember anything between lunch and the end of detention, but he abruptly ran out of the room for a reason I don't know."

"Well... erm," Ginny hesitated, "Draco... he-"

"He's a deatheater." Neville spat quickly, causing all of us to quickly look at him.

I didn't believe him, nor did I want to. Maybe if Ginny or Ron had said it, I would have believed it. Also with mine and Neville's history, it was hard for me to believe anything he said anymore. One second, he was in love with me, and the next, he wasn't.

I rolled my eyes as I turned to face Ginny again, "So what about Draco?"

Ginny's eyes widened at me as she scoffed, "Dawn, Neville just said it. Draco's a deatheater. The three of us were guarding the Room of Requirement when we heard them inside."

"The second I saw Greyback, I bolted," Ron grimaced, "I'm sorry..."

"We saw all of them: Bellatrix, Greyback, the Carrows..." Ginny stammered, "They're in the school."

The more they explained, the more everything made sense. Draco left abruptly to let them into the school. That was where he disappeared to all of this time, and there was no way I had just forgotten about what happened during detention. Draco would have never cleaned Snape's classroom by himself, I knew that for a fact.

I must have figured it out. All of it.

And Draco must have done something to make me forget about it.

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