Chapter 24: The Azkaban Breakout

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*CW: Sexual Content & Discussion of Nonconsensual Events From Last Chapter

Disclaimer: Scenes including the underlined content warning(s) have the first and last words bolded. Please read at your own risk.

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Dear Neville,

I read what happened in the Daily Prophet this morning. It will be hard for me to communicate over letters. Let's talk through the Floo Network tonight and we'll find a place to meet. We need to talk.

Stay strong, okay? Everything will be alright.

Love, Dawn.


Dear Dawn,

I'll ring you around seven, and we'll discuss where to meet from there.

Love, Neville


Dear Dawn,

We read what happened in the Daily Prophet this morning. Please stay safe! I know that she's your family, and we're not exactly on speaking-terms right now, but I'm worried for you.

I miss you, okay? Please stop ignoring me. I've said that I was sorry many times, but right now is seriously not the time to ignore my letters. This is important, so could you please write more than a few words? I need to know that you're alright.

Love, Hermione.



Please stop sending me letters. I don't have time to deal with you and Harry at the moment. There are more important things going on.

And I do not care that I share the same blood as her, we are not family.

- Dawn.


December 30th, 1995

Every news source was buzzing.


My parents disappeared this morning, meaning that it was only Draco, Bipsey, and I left in the manor. The three of us sat in the living room, all equally anxious. I occupied myself with a book I received from Christmas while my brother munched on an apple.

"Have you heard from your friends today?" Draco asked.

I looked up from my book, nodding slightly, "I received letters from Nev and Hermione this morning."

"How are they handling the news?" Draco questioned, taking another bite from his apple.

"Nev and I are going to speak over the Floo Network tonight..." I shrugged.

I didn't tell him about Hermione's letter, considering we weren't on good terms. But Draco already knew that, so that was probably why he didn't care to ask.

"Do you suppose they'll come here?" Draco pondered.

"Suppose who will come here?" I asked hesitantly.

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