Chapter 72: Apples

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*CW: Harsh Language & Violence*

June 6th, 1997

When I awoke, I was surprised to see that Hermione's alarm hadn't woken me; my own alarm had, even though I haven't used it in years. She was probably in the common room helping Ginny get ready for her O.W.Ls, those were next week.

I rolled out of bed, and got dressed for the day. I wore my Gryffindor uniform with a black skirt, and my hair down with my usual makeup. While dressing, I reminisced my scars in the mirror, I did this often. I thought that maybe the longer I stared at them, the faster they'd disappear.

Once I finished, I left the bathroom, and watered the succulent plant I was "mysteriously" given a couple of weeks ago. I've known that the plant was from Neville, but have I actually gone up to him to thank him for it... nope. Neville and I weren't really on talking terms, but we'd awkwardly make eye contact every once in a while. That was about it.

Hermione was still nowhere to be seen, so I grabbed my bag and walked down to the common room. I expected to see my friends down there, but the common room appeared to be empty. I decided it was best that I'd head to breakfast, and meet them there.

"SURPRISE!" a group of people shouted, causing me to stumble backwards.

"SHIT!" I shouted as I recollected myself.

Well, I've found everyone. Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Ron all hid in the common room, and popped out of nowhere with a bunch of gifts. I was confused until I realized what day it was: June 6th... my so-called birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAWN!" Ginny exclaimed as she grabbed my arm, and pulled me over to the sofa.

"Oh erm... thanks guys..." I stammered, still trying to process everything.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked. I nodded in response as I forced a smile.

I wasn't positive that today was actually my birthday. I knew that it was Draco's, but I was no longer his twin, so I had no idea when my real birthday was. I wasn't going to lie, it would have been nice to celebrate today with my friends, but it didn't feel right. It didn't feel real, but I didn't want to upset my friends because they've worked so hard on everything.

"How long have you guys been down here?" I chuckled as I reached for the first present.

"About an hour," Hermione shrugged, "I set your alarm for you while you were sleeping."

"So that was you! 'Mione, you don't know how scared I was this morning because I haven't used that thing in years!" I exclaimed.

"I know..." Hermione scoffed jokingly as she gestured to the presents, "Well, get on with it, but open the one in the brown package last."

I nodded as I reached for the first present, a small box wrapped in orange paper and a purple bow. There was no name tag on it, but this box definitely stood out the most.

"Who's this from?" I asked, holding the present in the air.

"It's from Fred and George," Ginny sighed, "Did they not put their names on it?"

I shook my head as I showed her the package, "No, there's nothing on it."

Ginny slapped her forehead to her hand before resting in Harry's arms again, "What idiots! They should be thankful that we can recognize the wrapping paper they use!"

By the way, Ginny and Harry were officially together, they have been for the past couple of weeks. According to Hermione, they started dating after winning the Quidditch Cup; I was asleep when it all happened. Ron wasn't too fond of it at first, but Hermione talked to him about it, and it didn't bother him as much anymore.

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