Epilogue: Part 3

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Late 2013

"Are you sure you don't want to put on a jacket?" Rob asked, "It's quite literally snowing outside."

I shook my head, grabbing another box from his car, "No... I'm okay! It's actually nice out here, so I don't need a jacket!"

For winter, it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. It was incredibly hot outside, but maybe that was because I was doing a lot of labor work at the moment.

Rob shrugged, walking inside with more boxes. The two of us have officially been together for three years, so it was only in due time that we'd move in together... Unfortunately. Eventually, I let down my guard and told Rob the basics of my past, as did he. In a general sense, I told him I grew up with very abusive parents that controlled every friendship and relationship I had ever been in, so I cut off contact with everyone to escape them, ending up in New York City with a new alias.

That was years ago though, so I had no clue how to break the news that I was actually a wizard to him. There was no way I could get by living with him without telling him the truth. For fuck sakes, my dog could talk!

I paced my apartment as Rob went to grab the last box from downstairs. Posmey laid on the sofa, tilting her head.

"I have to tell him." I said coldly.

"You do," Posmey agreed, "You do have to tell him... It was only a matter of time."

I shook my head, "I told myself a month, Posmey, a month. Why did I let it go on so far?"

"Because you love him," Posmey assured, "And he loves you, and I'm sure he won't treat you any differently once you tell him-"

"How can you be so sure?" I panicked, "I mean... I'm a wizard, Posmey- Hey!"

Rob entered the apartment with the last box, cutting my and Posmey's conversation short. I stood awkwardly to the side as Posmey gave me an annoyed look; she was pushing me to do it. Rob, however, didn't notice this; he just looked happy to be here.

"And that'll be the last box!" Rob exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips, "And also my work out for the day! I say we chill on the couch for a moment and unpack these later... Deal?"

I nodded stiffly before we joined Posmey on the sofa. Rob and Posmey loved each other; I just didn't know how much of that love was going to be reciprocated after he found out she could talk though. There was an awkward silence between the two of us, and I knew Rob could sense it from the way he kept looking at me.

"So, what's on your mind?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said shortly.

As soon as I said that, Posmey hit me with her paw, urging me to tell him. I gave her a stern look before facing Rob again, who looked confused as ever. There was no better way for me to tell him. I couldn't hide this part of me forever. I was too in-deep with him now, and he deserved to know the truth about me.

"Actually, I do have to tell you something..." I stammered.

Rob readjusted his seat, "What is it?"

I sighed deeply, "Well... Now that we live together, I think there are some things that you should know about me. As you know, I had a very difficult childhood, and not to say what I told you wasn't necessarily the truth... But there's a lot more to it."

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