Chapter 67: Mistakes

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*CW: Heavy Sexual Content, BDSM, Violence, Alcohol Usage, & Sexual Harassment (Slut-Shaming)*

March 1st, 1997

It was almost a miracle. Madam Pomfrey cleared me to play in the next match, which took place today. Once my soreness had disappeared from my night in the shack, my foot felt normal, meaning that I was able to take the boot off. Good thing too because Harry was unable to find a replacement for my position. The bad news was... he found one for Ron's.

"Are you sure there's no other people willing to play for keeper?" I asked, grabbing a serving of eggs, "Nobody else tried out except for those two?"

Harry shook his head, "McLaggen was our only other option, and believe me, I want him to play just as much as you do. But, he's not too horrible of a player."

"We never said that he wasn't good, Harry," Ginny scoffed through her chews, "He's just an arse."

I nodded, agreeing with Ginny's statement. Cormac was an arsehole, and I did not want to be on the pitch playing with him, considering what he did at tryouts. I was finally back to walking normally, and I didn't want to spend another two weeks in the Hospital Wing because of him.

"At least he's not into you two." Hermione gagged, "I still can't believe I willingly went to Slughorn's Christmas party with him."

"I still can't believe you asked him." Ginny chuckled.

"I still can't believe you didn't ask me to go with you instead." Harry scoffed.

"I still can't believe none of you thought to invite me at all." I muttered jokingly.

"Make that two." Ron chimed in, "But whatever you lot do today, don't lose because it's my birthday."

"We'll try our best, even though we will be winning," Harry chuckled.

"And if we lose, we can still have a house party," I beamed, "Just do it for Ron's birthday."

"And if you win, you should still celebrate my birthday," Ron protested, "It'd be rude not to."

"We celebrated your birthday this morning though." Ginny scoffed.

Ron narrowed his eyes at Ginny, "It's called a birth-day for a reason, you're supposed to be celebrating it the entire day."

"Okay, if you say so, Ron," I joked, standing up from my seat, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"

"DAWN, DON'T." Ron warned.

Ginny and Harry stood up as well, joining the song, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"


The three of us cheered loudly after we finished, causing many that were sitting around us to join in as well. Ron cowered in his seat, red with embarrassment, as the cheering slowly settled. Hermione didn't join in on the cheering; she smiled, continuing to eat her breakfast.

"Don't worry, Ron," Hermione assured as the rest of us sat back down, "We can sing something embarrassing from the stands during the game."

"Oh, most definitely," Ron chuckled, smiling sinisterly at me, "Dawn, we're going after you first. Ginny and Harry, you're second."

"Piss off, Weasley!" I scoffed, returning to my breakfast.

This morning, Ron was upset that he couldn't play on his birthday, but we showered him with enough presents that he forgot about it. Ginny and I got him a bunch of sweets from Honeydukes. Harry got him a polishing kit for his broomstick, even though Ron couldn't use it for the game today. Lastly, Hermione gave him a homemade card and a Quidditch tee she got from one of the shops in Hogsmeade.

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