Chapter 96: Shell Cottage

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*CW: Death*

The inside of Shell Cottage vaguely resembled the exterior. The calming egg-shell white painted the walls with framed beach shells scattered across them. It was a quaint and bright home; filled with several glass windows looking out onto the water. The kitchen was a sandy color with pops of blue from the appliances. The living room was the same — I was pretty sure that Fleur decorated the home this way. The upstairs contained three bedrooms: two guests and one master that Bill and Fleur shared.

It was when Fleur showed me to one of the guest bedrooms that I realized how little I had brought... And by little, I meant nothing. I left my rucksack with all my clothes at the manor. The only thing I had on me was that stupid D.A. coin, which didn't come of much use nowadays. I didn't need this space; I could've easily slept on the sofa in the living room. But the others that Dobby was bringing... they needed it a lot more than I did.

"Save the bedrooms for the others," I said coldly, "Potter and them... I'll take the sofa."

Fleur nodded accordingly, leading me away from the bedroom and back downstairs. It was at that moment I knew that Fleur felt calmer. I'd admit that my arrival at Shell Cottage was abrupt and unexpected, hence their hesitation. And considering Bill and Fleur already knew about my true identity, Potterwatch and any other wizard news broadcast must've talked about it. For Merlin's sake, I was killing people left and right... sometimes multiple a day. I was even worse than my mother to some.


The sudden noise alerted me and Fleur that the trio had arrived. Hesitantly (and utterly expecting the worst), I approached the front door, opening it. The gasp that left my mouth the moment after wasn't because I had made intense eye contact with Harry... or saw a traumatized Hermione after she dealt with my mother... or even Ron, who was screaming bloody murder moments before I had left. It was because I didn't see any of them.

Dobby appeared on the beach with Dean Thomas, Mr. Ollivander, and Luna Lovegood. I saw Dean at the manor with the two goblins — They hadn't arrived yet though —, but I had no idea where Mr. Ollivander and Luna had come from. This horrid pool of guilt in the pit of my stomach told me that they've been in the manor dungeons, but I didn't want to believe it; I almost didn't.

"LUNA?" I shouted, "DEAN? IS THAT YOU?"

The look of relief on their faces dropped immediately. I wasn't sure what Luna knew about my true identity, but Dean looked at me unapologetically. Slowly, I approached the two.

Inhaling sharply, I smiled awkwardly, "Erm... Hi."

At first, there was no response. But then Dean stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me tightly. I flinched at the interaction, considering I hadn't been hugged in months. I didn't hug him back, but awkwardly stood there.

"That was unexpected." I scoffed.

Dean let go, wiping his forehead, "Honestly, I'm just relieved to see anyone besides a goblin for the first time in weeks. And considering they let you in your home, I'm assuming you're on our side."

"Trust me, I've always been on your side..." I stammered, "Don't let anyone fool you."

"She's right." a wondrous voice cooed.

Dean and I faced the voice and saw Luna Lovegood standing mere inches away, scaring the shit out of us — she seriously needed a bell or something. Quickly, I calmed, but cocked my head, confused as to what Luna was referring to.

"How would you know?" I asked.

"I've been in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor since Christmas," Luna shrugged, "They took me from my home shortly before I returned to school. I've heard and known everything."

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