Chapter 101: Crucio

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*CW: Extreme Violence*

"Is that really you?" Neville asked, hesitantly stepping out of the doorway.

Tears started trickling down my face as I nodded hurriedly, running towards him with open arms. The two of us gasped once we locked each other in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around him so tightly I thought that I was never going to let him go. Neville held my head in his hand, holding my back with the other.

I almost thought that we were never going to let go of one another. We spent so much time just holding each other in pure shock that it seemed as though time had stopped moving. It's been so long since I've talked to him, and even longer since I've seen his face. And even though we spent all this time apart (enough to the point that I thought he was dead), it didn't matter one bit. We still loved each other like we've spent the last several months together... and somehow with all the distance between the two of us, it was like our love grew stronger.

"Merlin, I thought you were dead..." I stammered, grabbing the sides of his face, "What have they done to you? For fuck's sake, you look horrible..."

Neville chuckled softly, placing his hands on my cheeks as well, "Speak for yourself... You look even worse... And I mean, I never thought I'd see you again... Not a-after... Him."


He was talking about my father.

Luna had spent so much time proving to me that Neville didn't care about my past, and even Neville's letters kind of showed that he didn't, but it still worried me. Everything about my time as a deatheater worried me. Neville's letters never talked about that... It just talked about me being his daughter. I really hoped that despite him remembering all of that, it didn't affect our relationship because I've changed... I hoped.

I lowered my head, sighing, "Nev... I can explain-"

"Don't..." Neville assured, cutting me off, "Whatever happened... I believe you. I believe you're good, and that you have good in your heart... Always have."

Tears built in the corners of my eyes once more as a slight smile grew on my face. Neville smiled back at me, gently grabbing my chin. We made intense eye contact for a mere second — the kind that made my heart flutter and stomach turn excitedly. Then his soft lips met mine, and it was like every single worry I had in the world melted away. The war... My parents... The trio... Hogwarts... the horcruxes... They all didn't seem to matter anymore.

The only thing that mattered to me in this moment was him.

Despite everything that's happened between us, Neville was the light in my pathetic excuse for a life that's been filled with nothing but darkness. It's been him since the beginning. He came into my life as a friend when I needed him most, and as a lover when I was ready to accept it. And here he was... coming back to me once more as both a best friend and a lover when I was about to give up due to a lack of both. It has always been him and me.

I loved him.

Our lips disconnected. And with panting breaths, we rested our foreheads against one another, continuing to reminisce in our reconnection. Neville kissed me quickly once more before looking up and acknowledging the others in the room. For a moment, I had forgotten about Luna, Dean, and Aberforth. Knowing that they had just witnessed that intimate moment between Neville and me was... embarrassing... but whatever; it just reminded me that we had more serious things to worry about.


Neville walked away, a huge smile growing on his face, as he went to greet his friends. Dean almost fell over from how hard Neville launched himself at him.

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