Chapter 1

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Jenna's P.O.V


 "Jenna?", I hear when I answered my house phone. Right when I entered my house from work, I heard the phone ringing.

"Judy?", I asked. The voice on the other line was sobbing and sounded just like Judy Haim.

"I-it's Corey.", she began. My heart sank and fear rushed all through my body.

"Judy, what's wrong with Corey, is everything alright?", I asked, terrified.

"Jenna, he passed away.", she finally spat out. I dropped my phone and instantly hit my knees. I was in so much shock. I didn't know wether to cry, scream, do anything.

"Jenna?", Judy called out. I picked up the phone.

"Y-y-yes?", I whimpered out.

"Are you okay?", she asked.

"C-call me later, now's not a good time.", I replied.

"Okay.", she said, I hung the phone up and just sat there, sobbing. Screaming his name, I was begging for him to come back. Right then, I felt warmth on my back, as if someone's hand was there. I stopped sobbing, but only for a moment until the warmth went away.

I got up and headed towards the kitchen, black tear stains on my cheeks. I grabbed a bottle of wine out and a wine glass from the cupboard and began to pour the drink into it. I drank a sip then sighed.

"What am I gonna do without you, Cor?", I asked. No response, of course. While whimpering, I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I pulled out some navy blue sweats and a Lost Boys t-shirt and changed. I walked into the bathroom and inspected myself in the mirror. My artificial intense auburn hair was tangled. I looked like a complete mess, to be honest.

I sighed and walked into my bedroom, I turned on the TV and the first thing I see is Corey Haim, R.I.P Haimster, 1971-2010, etc. I finally found something on T.V that didn't talk about him dying, but it had him in it. The Lost Boys. I giggled as I saw me and him on the screen.

The Lost Boys set


"Okay, I want the cast to get to know each other before we start, so you have about fifteen minutes to socialize before shooting. Have fun, don't forget your lines.", Joel, the director, said.

"Hi, I'm Jenna.", I introduced myself to the kids who will be playing the Frog Brothers.

"Hey, I'm Corey and this is Jamison.", Corey introduced.

"Man, your hair is really red.", Jamison said. I giggled and then it hit me.

"Hey, I've seen you in quite a few movies.", I told Corey. He chuckled and nodded.

"Weren't you also in a Mcdonald's commercial when you were younger?", Jamison asked him. He gave him a certain glance and Jamison hushed up pretty quick.

"So, who are you playing?", Corey asked.

"David's little sister, Harper.", I answered (Go with it)

"Then, why are you talking to us. Haim is the one you need to get along with. After all, you two do have a kissing scene.", Jamison winked.

"Haim?", I asked, I guess that's the kid who plays Sam Emerson.

"Yep, Corey Haim. He's right over there.", Corey answered, pointing to a blonde headed heart throb talking to Jason. I stood there staring at him. Until the Frog brothers pushed me towards him.

"H-hi, my name is Jenna.", I said.

"Hey, I'm Corey. Corey Haim.", He replied, sticking his hand out. I shook it, immediatley.

"So, I'm the lucky guy who gets to kiss you?", he asked.

"Well, since you play Sam, I guess so.", I winked.

"Okay, let's start at the board walk scene. Let's have all the vampires play around the carisole.", Joel instructed.I followed everyone onto the carisole and we started filming. I messed around with Billy's hair, then I moved onto Brooke's hair and played with it. Them two giggle causing me to, then Billy came up and picked me up. When it got time for security to show up he sat me down. Keifer said his words, then we got off. When we got finished filming the security getting taken we took a short break.

"Jenna, what you did to the guy's hair was amazing and Billy picking her up like that was great.", Joel said. Billy and I exchanged glances and smiles and then went our ways.

"You did wonderful!", Haim said, pulling me into a hug. I giggled and blushed alittle. When we pulled back, we ended up starring at each other for a long time. We were also still holding onto each other. I notice he started to lean alittle while looking at my lips, so I decided to do the same. We were inches apart until Jamison ruined the moment.

"Woah, practicing your lines I see.", he said. Corey and I broke apart immediately and I noticed him blush. Everything was so weird. I just met this kid and I was already about to willingly kiss him. Wow.

*I cry while writing this, tbh. I hope you enjoy it.*

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