Chapter 8

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December 23, 2007

Jenna's P.O.V

All day today I've been fighting myself not to call Corey. The last I talked to him we were not on good terms. But, his birthday is almost over and I'd feel awful if I didn't call.

I looked at the clock on my wall in the living room and it said "10:47"

"Here goes nothing.", I mumbled as I dialed his number into my house phone.

One ring. Two ring.

"Hello?", Corey answered.

"Corey? Hey, it's Jenna. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.", I said.

"Oh, it's been a really peachy birthday.", he slurred.

"Corey, are you drunk?", I asked.

"I don't know.", he answered. "Listen, can I stop by your place? Feldman's old lady kicked me out and I have nowhere to stay."

I sighed, "Fine, only for tonight. Where are you? I don't want you driving."

"I'll call a cab.", he suggested.

"God Corey, just tell me where you are.", I demanded.

"In front of Feldman's drive way.", he answered. I grabbed my keys and went over to Feldman's house.

"Corey, get in the car and stay in the car. I need to speak with Feldman.", I demanded. He got in the passenger side and buckled up. To be on the safe side, I took my car keys with me. I walked up Feldman's driveway and knocked on the door. Luckily, he came to the door instead of Susan.

"Jenna?", he asked.

"Yeah, hey Corey.", I answered.

"Picking up Haim?", he asked.

"Yeah, has he been doing any better?" Feldman just shook his head.

"He claims he's trying to, then does this kind of stuff. Causing problems between me and Susan.", he answered.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with him.", I sighed.

"You love him. You'll always love him. Y'all might be separated and you might search for another person, but you'll never love them as much as you do him. You'll look for his characteristics in other guys, but not be satisfied because they'll never be Corey Haim. Yeah, you gave him divorce papers and claim to be angry because he won't sign them, but let's be real you don't want a divorce. He still clearly loves you, Jen. He loves you more than he loves anything else. Last week he got so drunk that he couldn't remember his name, but he knew yours. He was in the back yard screaming for you, the neighbors almost called the cops. He's struggling, but he's trying. I see the way you light up when a fan tries to get your attention and they yell "Mrs. Haim". You love it so much. I still don't understand why you kept your last name "Graham".", he said.

"We tried keeping the marriage a secret.", I chuckled, wiping away a couple of tears.

"And y'all couldn't because you two are so madly in love that you had to project it to the world.", Feldman smiled. "I'd give anything to have the love you guys have."

"Feldman, you have a son and a wife.", I said.

"I love her, but it's not like the way he loves you", he replied. "Have y'all ever tried for any kids?"

"I can't have any.", I replied, a little upset.

"I'm sorry.", he said.

I looked up and gave a warm smile, "I better get going. I left him in the car." Feldman held out his arms and I gave him a tight hug.

"You're the only one who can straighten him out, Jen. Come back sometime.", he said.

"Will do. Goodnight Feldog.", I replied. He waved and I walked back to my car. When I got in Corey was fast asleep in the passenger side. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Let's go home.", I mumbled and drove off.

*Guys, out of all my stories, this is one of my top 3 favorite chapters. Writing this was great. I love this chapter and how I portrayed Feldman. I felt like it was something he would say, and I know from personal experience that he is a sweetheart.*

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