Chapter 12

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We got to my mom's house and when we walked in, everyone paused.

"Um, hey mom.", I greeted.

"What's he doing here?", she asked.

"Mom, me and Corey are getting back together.", I answered.

"She's so stupid.", my cousin mumbled.

"Excuse you?", I confronted, she rolled her eyes.

"Honey, couldn't you have let us know ahead of time?", my mom asked.

"Mom, don't start anything.", I demanded.

"Look, maybe I should go.", Corey suggested.

"If he goes, I go with him.", I said.

"If you go, don't bother coming back.", my mother said. Gasps filled the room.

"Wouldn't want to.", I replied, grabbing Corey's arm and walking out the door.

"What was that all about?", Corey asked when we got in the car. 

"After what happened, my family has hated you for it and was begging me to leave you. So, we separated and now we're back together and yeah.", I answered. "But, honestly I'd rather have you in my life than them any day."

"Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's us against the world.", he replied.

I smiled at him, "Where to now?"

"Feldman's house, I guess.", he answered. I started the car and began driving.

"Corey, you know things won't be the same. We'll have to work on things.", I said.

"I know, baby. I know.", he replied. It was silent, mainly because our minds got to thinking about what happened.

Earlier that year...

We were at Feldman's house, for his house party thing. It was about three in the morning and I was getting tired.

"Hey Jamison, have you seen Corey?", I asked. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Jamison and I ran towards the scene to find a drunk Corey falling everywhere.

"Corey, honey, let's go.", I demanded.

"I'm not gonna let any woman tell me what I can and can't do. I'm staying here.", he said.

"Corey, we're going home.", I repeated. He looked behind me at some ditzy blonde.

"You can go home, I'm getting some of that.", corey pointed.

"Corey Ian Haim, let's go!", I yelled, angrily. Everything went silent.

"Excuse me?", he asked, taken back.

"Now.", I growled through my teeth. He threw his hand back and hit me. I fell to the floor, holding my cheek, wincing in pain. Jamison threw himself at Corey and Feldman ran to my side.

"Oh my God, Jenna, are you okay?", he asked. Right then my vision became blurry, thanks to the tears in my eyes.

"I can't believe him.", I whispered. Feldman helped me up and walked me to the kitchen where it was quieter.

"Here, here's an ice pack.", he said, handing it to me. "He's drunk, Jen."

"I don't care, don't give him the benefit of the doubt.", I said...


We pulled into Feldman's driveway. We both unbuckled, but I locked the doors.

"What are you doing?", Corey asked.

"I love you.", I answered.

"Jen, I love you, too.", he replied. I leaned over the console, onto his lap and kissed him.

"Jenna, I promise you, baby, I'll never hurt you ever again.", he said, breaking the kiss.

"Then don't, just kiss me.", I demanded, leaning the seat back. I began unbuttoning his shirt as he was ripping my cardigan off. My hands began roaming his chest.

"Never leave me, Corey.", I said, in between kisses.

"Wouldn't plan on it.", he replied, kissing my neck. I threw my head back, allowing him more access, my fingers getting tangled in his hair. Suddenly, there was a knock on my car window. We froze and looked up to see Feldman wave at us. I pushed the button to roll the window down.

"Hey Corey.", I smiled.

"Look, I'm all for spicing things up, but please, not in my driveway. In broad daylight.", he begged. I laughed as Haim opened the door and I crawled out.

"We came to visit you on Christmas eve.", corey said, buttoning his shirt, as I reached into the car for my cardigan.

"Well, ham is on the table. I'll call Jamison. Susan is at her parent's, and well, I hate in laws.", Feldman sighed, jokingly.

"Thanks Feldman.", I said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, get in. It's freezing out here."

*hey guys, I know my writing sucks right now, but think of this as a filler chapter, I guess.*

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