Chapter 9 prt. 2

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Christmas 1987

"I'm so happy you're here.", I told Corey.

"I'm happy to be here myself.", he replied.

"You want something to eat? Drink?", I asked.

"I just want to hold you.", he answered and pulled me into a hug.

"How long are you staying?", I asked.

"Until the snow clears up and looks somewhat sunny.", he answered. I looked up and he kissed my nose.

"I don't ever want you to leave.", I whined.

"Don't worry about that. I just got here.", he laughed.

"Shouldn't you be spending Christmas with your mom?", I asked.

"Trying to get me to leave? I was with her all day.", he answered.

"Sorry, I was worried about her.", I replied.

"Babe, stop worrying.", he chuckled. I rested my head on his chest as we stood there. I was staring at the Christmas lights on the tree.

"Let's make a pallet and lay in the floor and stare at them.", Corey suggested.

"I'll make hot chocolate.", I said, running into the kitchen. When I got back inside the living room Corey had it all set up.

"My mom is at a dinner party. She shouldn't be home for awhile.", I said.

"Good.", Corey replied groggly.

"Sleepy?", I asked, stroking his cheek.

"Yeah, I almost forgot something.", he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box.

I opened it and saw a necklace with a heart-shaped locket. I opened it and on one side was a picture of me and him. The other was said "I love you".

"Oh Corey, I love it.", I said.

"And I love you.", he kissed me before falling asleep on the pallet.

"I love you too, sleepyhead."

Sorry the chapter was short and in two parts. I had a twelve hour band practice and now a practice and game so yeah, you marching band kids should know the feels.

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