my lucky day!

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Today was the day my mom was visiting she said she wanted a girls day out, I cant say no, I haven't seen her in 5 months. I got ready and meet her outside my apartment, we went to get our nails done and got some new clothes, it wasant the best day ever but it is nice to spend time with my mom ever since I moved out she has been so worried for me but that's what moms do I have told her multiple times that I am okay, I live near some of my friends besides one. I had one best friend throughout the whole of school his name was paul we did everything together but after a while our friendship faded and we both just stopped talking, I do miss him but he moved on 3 years ago.

When I got home after a long day with my mom I sat on the end of my bed and turn on the tv, all of a sudden a contest to win $5000 comes up on the tv all you have to do is answer the riddle to win, it said" you have to break me to use me what am I?" I had no idea so I gave up straight away I went into the kitchen and made myself some scrambled egg on toast but in that moment I realised that the answer to the riddle was egg! so I ran into my bedroom and really quickly typed it in and sent it.

The next morning I woke up to knocking on my door, I ran to the door and there was a massive camera in my face a man said to me " good morning y/n i'm here to gift you your cash prize of $5000 you guessed correctly on the riddle I wanted to congratulate you in person and hand you your money well done!" wow thank you so much I really wasant expecting this and just to let all of you people out there know that dreams do come true! " what will you be spending your money on y/n?" I will be buying myself tickets so see my favourite band kiss I want to see the Star child and the Demon in person and not behind a screen "good choice y/n" Thankyou

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