Moving day!

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When the concert was just about to finish a security guard took me to the dressing rooms, kiss played there last song and walked off the stage, I firstly got to meet ace he asked me if his guitaring was good I told him it was amazing, soon after ace came peter and gene both saying hi to me, then I saw Paul he held my hand and we ran into his private dressing room, he said to me "was I good? I saw you having fun I hope you liked it , if you want to you can go back to the hotel room i'm going to be late coming back." I wonder why he was going to be late, I said I would go back to the hotel and I had to promise him that I would go straight there so I would be safe. I said bye to the guys and got someone to take me to the hotel, I got on the room and flopped on the bed I was exhausted, I got up to have a shower and to take my makeup of, I got into a oversized t shirt I found on the floor and got into bed and slept.

The next morning I saw Paul was asleep next to me, I got out of bed to see there are balloons everywhere, one of them said " will you move in with me?" I cant believe it Paul Stanley wanted me to move in with him. I was so exited that I woke Paul up he crept up behind me and asked me if I wanted to move in with him, I shouted yes and Paul picked me up and spun me around with excitement, apparently it was genes idea he thought I would be to scared to go back to my apartment on my own (I was scared to go back) gene is like the big brother I have always wanted. Our flight home was today so we had to pack up our things and go to the airport I sat next to gene on the way back he told me how much fun we would have together, I always thought that gene would be mean and scary but when you get to know him he is a really nice guy.

We got back to Paul and genes house but now is was my home too, I went up to my new bed room and made myself comfortable, it was getting late so I got ready for bed Paul came in my room and  said to me" I hope you have a nice sleep, i'm so glad you moved in, I don't want you on your own from now on you will always protected here, if you ever need me or gene for anything you know where our rooms are." I told Paul how thankful I was that I was living here with him, it so nice to finally be with him again, I said goodnight to Paul and went to sleep he gave a kiss on the head ad left the room. The next morning I got up early, and went down stars into the kitchen and made breakfast for Paul and gene, I "accidently" dropped a pan that woke both of them up, Paul and Gene both came down together and where both stunned to see that I made breakfast for them, Gene got a phone call so he walked off to answer it, me an Paul asked me how i slept, i told him it was the best sleep i have ever had and Paul laughed, Gene walked back over to the kitchen and said he got a call from Doc saying that Peter has decided to leave kiss...

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