The new drummer!

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When we found out that peter was leaving kiss we where so lost, we didn't know how to react it was a shock to the system apparently he just gave up drumming I wonder why? Now we had to find a new drummer which Paul and gene where stressing about, we had to call over ace to have a meeting about what they are going to do, when ace arrived they all sat in the garden and talked about what they where going to do, after 30 minuets they decided to send out auditions to be the new drummer for kiss.

Today was the day where we had to pick out the next drummer for kiss, gene left early because he was worried, I shared a car with Paul and we talked about there next tour they will be going on. When we arrived to the audition center there where tons of people waiting to be the next drummer, there was a table set up for ace gene and Paul to sit on to watch the auditions, Paul invited me to sit next to him so I pulled up a chair and sat down. The auditions where not as bad it would be, a man called paul caravello was up next he was very nervous I told him to do his best, he walked up to the drums and played his heart out, Paul ace gene and me looked at each other we where in pressed, he was very talented. When he finished he came down and said that he loved what we did and he was a big kiss fan we told him thankyou and if you are chosen we will get in touch, after that we decided to go on a break and talk about the auditions we just saw, Paul said " im in love with that paul guy we just saw he was really talented and got all the notes right what do you think?" gene spoke up and said " I thought he was to shy this band is alive but he was the best one so far." I totally agree with gene he was really  shy but if we push him maybe he can get out there and be more loud.

When we finished our break we had our new drummer, Ace told Doc to call him up and ask him to come back to the studio, Paul told the security manager to tell all the rest of the people to go home, me and Paul talked about the new drummer and we had to think of a new name for him because there was already a Paul and we didn't need another one. When our new drummer Paul came in we broke the good news to him, he was really happy and exited to be a part of the kiss team, we told him that we had to change his name it was really difficult to come up with a new name until  the idea of eric came in my head I told Paul and he loved it so we decided to call our new drummer Eric carr. when we found out his new name we had to find out his makeup, he always thought he associated with a fox so he decided to be " The fox" and we loved the idea. We told Eric all the things he needed to know and he got the hang of it really fast. after a long day we decided to all go home Paul walked with me to my room and tucked me in we said good night to each other and I fell asleep, Paul gave me a kiss on the head and left my room.

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