New jersey!

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I cant believe that Paul Stanley just asked me to go to new jersey with him, I told him id love to go he was so exited. I packed some kiss t-shirts because that's all I had and went to the airport, I have a fear of flying so I next to Paul the whole time, all of a sudden peter and ace come out I was so exited to meet them, I stood up and gave both of them a hug and they sat down opposite us. New jersey isn't a very long trip from where we where taking off from, I told Ace how much I love his guitar solos and how good peter was on the drums, then ace said to me" Paul has told us how much he has missed you, he has been trying to find you for years." Its so nice to hear that Paul still cared about me, for the whole flight I slept on Pauls shoulder.

When we landed we got taken to a really fancy hotel, me and Paul went up to go see the room we both opened the door and both jumped on the bed, we did ask the manager for two singles but I guess he forgot so me and Paul had to share which was okay. The concert didn't start for another 5 hours so we had some time to explore, me gene and ace got in a car and drove to a mall, gene hated shopping and so did ace but they didn't want to fight with me so they had to put up with it. I picked up some clothes and shoes for the concert tonight and gene picked up a pair of black leather heels I told him he should get them so he did, when we left the mall we went to go pick up some food because shopping was hard work, we went to this diner looking place and we picked milkshakes for each other I gave ace the bubble gum blast, gene got me the banana blitz and ace gave gene the strawberry vampire. I love hanging out with gene and ace they are such lovely guys.

We got back to the hotel we found out that there was only 3 hours before the concert and that Paul and Peter have already gone, I told to ace and gene to go quickly and I can get ready for the concert in the room then get a driver to take me down, they said okay and told me to go straight up to the room and no where else. When I got back up to the room I took a quick shower and got into the outfit I bought today, I decided to draw little stars under my eyes to show my support for Paul aka The star child. I was 1 hour early for the show so I decided to sit by the window in the hotel room and I thought about how lucky I was to be here and that I had finally found my best friend who was really my savior.

I got a driver to take me to the venue they where playing at tonight, the driver took me to the back door where I finally saw Paul with all his makeup on, he quickly pushed me in the door and gave me a quick hug and told me I looked amazing and he loved the stars under my eyes, he took me to the dressing rooms where ace gene and peter where getting ready, it was so cool to see them put their makeup on. I helped Paul put on his red lipstick he put some of the lipstick on my lips too, when the group finished putting there makeup on and outfits we took loads of pictures together it was so fun, before they went out onto the stage I told Paul good luck and then he kissed me on the cheek leaving a red mark, one of the security guards put me in a special VIP area with the clearest view of the stage, all of a sudden a man on the speakers yelled " you wanted the best, you got the best the hottest band in the world KISS!" and the fun began there...

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