The Unmasked Tour (part 1)

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For the past two days I have been helping the kiss gang with there tour since it was such short notice, today was the day that they play in New York so I have to make sure Paul is ready to go. When I woke up I took a shower then went down stairs to make us breakfast, since we where going to be having a long day of traveling so I had to make something nutritious, I decided to make a strawberry and banana smoothie bowl I accidently woke Paul up when I was blending it up so he came downstairs and told me off but then he gave me a hug he looked like he had a great sleep, I gave him his smoothie bowl and we ate it in the living room I asked Paul if he was ready for the tour he said " I feel better now your coming, I cant wait for the amazing adventures we are going to have together on this tour its going to be incredible!" I said to him that we are going to have the best time ever and I cannot wait.

After our breakfast I told Paul to have a shower and bring your bags downstairs ready for later, once Paul had finished I helped him get in the mood for the concert tonight I played deuce on the speakers he just bought and we ran around and had a lot of fun singing along and dancing. We had 15 mins before we had to leave to get on the coach, I had to get ready so I put in my oversized black kiss t shirt and shorts Paul put on a black t shirt and jeans, when I came down the stairs with my bags Paul said that I looked really good which I thought was really nice I said the same to him he looked very handsome. We took our bags and put them in the boot of the car ready to go to the buss depo I turned all the lights off in the house and locked the door, when me and Paul got in the car Paul was very exited he kept on talking about how he can do a trick where he puts his guitar under his legs and plays it I was very amused.

When we got to the buss depo I saw Eric Ace and Gene I ran out and gave them all a hug they all seemed so exited for the tour, me and Paul got our bags out of the boot and put them on the buss I quickly got my headphones out and a blanket, when I got on the buss I sat by the window and put my head phones in Paul ace gene and eric was still outside talking to Doc on the phone, I started to close my eyes because I know im not going to get a rest later. When I open my eyes I find out that Paul is sat next to me I gave him one of my head phones and then shared my blanket with him, I put my head on his shoulder and went back to sleep I felt his head go on my top of mine. All of a sudden me and Paul wake up to see gene holding red hair spray I put my hand on my head and my hand was red I looked at Paul and he looked at me and we both looked so funny we laughed so much I said to gene that he must sleep with one eye open and he laughed, I look out the window to see that we are in new York it looked amazing, I went to the bathroom to put on some more makeup and touch up the red spray in my hair when I came out there was no one there where did everyone go all of a sudden...

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