The party

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When Paul had announced "The unmasked tour" Ace and Gene was so exited they could not wait to be rocking all round the world again, we decided to celebrate the good news by starting a party at Pauls house. We decided to start the party tomorrow so we had the day of planning, me and Paul sat in his bedroom deciding what we where going to do, I came up with the idea of just keeping it simple but Paul wanted to go big so we did, we decided to invite the whole kiss team and buy a ton of food. Me and Paul was exhausted we had been planning all day, all of a sudden I fell asleep in Pauls bedroom I had a very busy day yesterday telling the boys about the tour and me thinking that Paul was sleeping with someone I barley slept.

Today was party day, i spent the whole night in Pauls bed he put the covers over me so I wouldn't get cold he is so cute, when I woke up I saw a note on the cabinet across the room I got up and opened the note it said that Paul went out shopping and he was going to get me a surprise I wonder what it would be, in the mean time I went for a shower did my makeup and by that time Paul was home I ran downstairs and gave him a big hug he asked me if I was okay and I said yes I missed him so much and I didn't know why. I asked Paul what my surprise was and then he pulled out a beautiful red off the shoulder dress for the party, it was beautiful I then asked Paul how he new my size and he said" when you was asleep in my room I went in your room and looked to see what size you was and then I went to bed" I wonder were Paul slept last night.

I went to put on my new dress and lipstick to match it but i ran out of red so i peered out of the door and asked Paul if he had any red lipstick he laughed and gave me some of his, when i opened the door he was stunned he told me i looked good and i laughed and kissed him on the cheek with the red lip stick leaving a mark. I went downstairs to get the food ready for everyone, wile i was doing that Paul was getting ready he came downstairs looking amazing i said to him that he looked fine but he obviously new i was lying, he looked around downstairs and we both said that it looks great the party didn't start for another 20 mins so we sat on the sofa and talked about the tour, Paul asked me "y/n are you coming on the tour with us you make everyone so happy i think you should come, you could just sleep in my room when we are on tour but before you give me an answer think about it first its a lot of flying and crowds but either way we will still be happy."

Lots of people started coming to Pauls house it was so nice to meet the kiss team, a car pulled up and eric got out i ran up and gave him a hug he is such a nice guy he told me i looked amazing and so did he, i told him to go in side and i will catch up with him later, soon after eric came gene and Ace they both looked really good i gave both of them a hug and that id see them both later, after meeting a couple more people Paul told me to come inside i walked in with him and he told me he wanted me to talk to everyone and i said absolutely not its so embarrassing but then Paul tapped his glass and everyone was looking at us he said to everyone "y/n wants to make a speech" all of the eyes looked at me i then said thankyou all for being here not everyone is here but i just wanted to say how proud i am to be standing here today i have been blessed with so many amazing things, its so exiting to be a part of this new journey i think this tour will be incredible so good luck to the boys! have a great night everyone. Everyone clapped at me i was stunned i cant believe i just did that, Paul took me to aside and told he how proud he was i said thankyou and also told him about the red mark that is sill on his cheek.

The party had been going on for 1 hour and people was starting to go, me Paul gene ace and eric was all stood together we waited for everyone to leave until Doc came over, he said" great party y/n and Paul really fun, i have some news for you guys about the tour its starting in 2 days we haven't got long till your first show in new York at the palladium theatre the set lists will be emailed to all of you tonight and remember its Eric's first tour, y/n are you coming with us we need your support?" THE TOUR IS STARTING IN 2 DAYS oh no we do not have enough time  to practise or  do costumes or pick out guitars, i said to Doc that i will definably be coming i need to help the boys as much as i can since such short notice, Paul looked really happy that i was coming but they all already looked so stressed so i have to work really hard to make sure that they are all relaxed i do not want anything to go wrong, Paul is helping me so much so i really need to help him.

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