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I spent the night tied to a table I barely got any sleep, I had to find a way to get out, I tried pulling but I was so tired last night I gave up. I cant call anyone because the man stole my phone and no one knows where I live. After a while of thinking I brought up so much anger out of no where and pulled as hard as I could and I eventually got myself free, I ran outside in bare foot and to my friends house it was about a mile away, I couldn't feel the pain I was so angry with myself. Eventually I got to my friend jades house I knocked the door so hard I felt my hand get hot, when she opened the door she invited me in and told me to sit down, jade kept on asking me what happened but I didn't want to tell her I was still so shocked. I asked her if I could stay the night because I didn't want to be on my own in my apartment but she said that her parents are staying tonight and there wont be enough room for me, I said it was okay and asked if I could borrow her phone to call someone. The first person that came in my head was Paul but he was probably busy working on album or something but I didn't have a choice I had no one else to call, my mom has gone on a family holiday( I wanted to stay home) and there was know one else.

I picked up the phone and dialled Pauls number (he wrote it on my hand yesterday) but there was no answer so I tried calling gene, he picked up the phone nearly straight away I asked him if I could stay at your house tonight he said it was okay and told a driver to pick me up. When I arrived at Paul and genes house gene answered the door he told me that I looked homeless because I didn't have shoes on and my hands where red. he invited me in and made me breakfast and then he asked me what happened I told him that I didn't get a very good sleep last night, he knew I was lying straight away and asked me to tell the truth and I did, after I told him he swooped me up for a big hug and told me that I will be safe here. I asked gene where Paul was because he wasn't picking up the phone when I called him gene told me that he was at the studio practising for tomorrow.

Me and gene had a long talk and waited for Paul to come home, I had to ask gene to not tell Paul about what happened to me because its embarrassing he told me " y/n you need to tell him at some point he is your best friend he has been trying to find you for so long when he saw you on tv a week ago he was so shocked to see how grown up you where, he is going to find out at some point." Gene was right I should tell Paul when he gets home to just get it out of the way, all of a sudden we herd a bang it was the door I stood up to see who was there and it was Paul he was happy to see me but worried at the same time I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, when I was hugging him I felt safe, Paul told me how sorry he was for not picking up the phone I told him not to worry, Paul picked me up and took me to his bed room we both sat on his bed and he asked me " what happened to you y/n, you look terrible and where are your shoes." I told Paul everything about my apartment, about the robbery and the man tying me up, when I told him what happened I burst out crying I felt relived but embarrassed, Paul told me to lay down, he put the covers over me and said" I am never leaving you again, you look tired so sleep get some sleep, i will be with you the whole time."

When I woke up I saw that Paul and gene sleeping on the end of the bed, I went to have a shower in the guest bathroom and came back to Pauls bedroom, i laid down next to Paul and gene and waited for them to get up. The first person to wake up was gene he said to me " i saw you and Paul sleeping so i wanted to join " i giggled and gave him a hug and told him thankyou, gene said quietly" i guess i need to go pack now talk to you later y/n" i was so confused why was gene packing. 20 minutes went by and Paul had finally woke up he stretched over and gave me a hug and asked how i was, i told him i felt a lot better and i said thankyou and gave him a kiss on the cheek. When Paul got back from a shower he sat next to me and said " y/n, i don't know how to say this but... we have a concert to do in new jersey tomorrow and me and gene was wondering if you wanted to come with us i think it would be nice if you had the full kiss experience with us, you also get to meet ace and peter, what do you think?"

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