The blonde girl

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When I woke up in the morning I had to try and think of a way to break the news to Paul, I went downstairs and made me and Paul pancakes for breakfast I sat down at the table and waited for Paul to come downstairs. All of a sudden a girl with long blonde hair walking out of the door wearing one of Pauls tshirts, lots of things went through my head like who was that why and why was she here then I realised that she might have slept with Paul WTF. I ate my breakfast really fast and put some shoes on then got a driver to take me to my moms house, I was devastated I know me and Paul are just friend but I thought that we where a little bit closer than that but I guess not, when I got to my moms house I told the driver not to tell Paul where I was.

I knocked the door and my little brother answered the door I picked him up and he squeezed me he was happy to finally see me, I herd a scream and I look up and see my mom I put my little brother on the floor and ran over to my mom, I haven't seen her for so long she only just got back from holiday so I had a lot to tell her. I made myself a coffee and sat in the living room with my mom, I told my little brother to go play because I needed a private chat with mom he wasn't happy but he said okay. When I told my mom that I was living with my old bestfriend Paul because I got robbed and attacked in my old apartment she was astonished, she was really upset that I didn't call her, I told her it happend about 4 months ago and that made her a bit more relived. I talked with my mom for about 30 mins filling her in about everything but I had to be careful not to reveal Pauls identity as the star child but that made me think about the girl I saw this morning, I told my mom about her and she said " y/n you have been friends with Paul for so long you used to have little arguments over anything, he has given you a roof over your head and food you need to be grateful, I understand that you might start to have feelings for him but your still just friends its not like he is cheating on you it is his house, its a wrong thing to do and I don't know what Paul was thinking about but you need to just appreciate that you have somewhere that you live, do what is best for you."

My mom was right but I don't know what to do I still need to tell Paul about the tour Doc told me yesterday night. I decided to call eric and ask if we could meet up in a park in 20 mins and he said okay. I said goodbye to my mom and little brother and walked to the park, I saw eric standing by a tree I went up to him and gave him a hug he asked me what was wrong and I told him, he told me he was sorry and gave me a long hug, we both then walked over the road to a corner shop and got some food, we then sat on a bench and talked about what was going to happen next. After a while of talking and eating I decided to tell Eric about the unmasked tour, he was so exited he jumped up and down and ran in circles (it was his first tour with kiss), he asked me if I told Paul about this and I said no I was going to then I saw the girl in Pauls tshirt going out the door, Eric told me to hang on because he got a call so I walked over to the swings and sat down. After 5 mins eric was walking back he said Paul was calling he wanted to know where you where and eric told him, I told Eric not to worry and then we both just talked about the new tour on the swings.

A car pulled up and Paul walked out fast Eric said that it was going to be okay, he gave me a hug and started to walk back home, and then Paul walked up to me, he tried to give me a hug but I dodged it, I walked past him and to the car, Paul ran up behind me and got in to the whole ride home was silent, I started crying but tried to hold back my tears. We got back to Paul house and I tried to run up to my room but I got stopped by Paul he held my wrist and asked me if we could talk, I could not stop crying I said fine so I walked to the kitchen and sat down I looked to my right to see that Paul didn't eat the pancakes, I waited for Paul to get to the kitchen I wanted to hear what he had to say...

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