A fun day out!

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Recently we have been very busy, planning out concerts and doing interviews, me and Paul now live together now gene moved out. Me and Paul have been having a lot of fun recently, we have been going the studio together, id say I'm quite good at playing the guitar. Its been 1 week since Eric carr has joined kiss, we introduced him on an interview kiss did for the Australian viewers called COUNTDOWN it was really exiting to finally announce him publicly, Eric has been doing very well on the drums, he is really talented and his makeup skills are very good.

Today me and Paul decided to have a fun day out no interviews and no worrying, he wouldn't tell me where we where going so I had to wait and see. later on Paul said that we had to go, we both got in the car and turned on the radio and surprisingly I love it loud was playing. we got to our destination and Paul put a blindfold on me and lead me inside, I could hear kids screaming of excitement and pins falling down, Paul took the blindfold from my eyes and omg we where at a bowling alley and gene ace and eric was there, this was one of the best days ever, I turned round and gave Paul the biggest hug ever and then ran over to the boys and gave them hugs as well.

When we started bowling it went on forever it was so much fun, it was nice to go there and not worry about paparazzi taking there pictures but they don't know what they look like withought there makeup on so they can get away with it, but in the mean time ace was winning he would not tell us his secret so we had to try our hardest to beat him. It was starting to get late and we where the only ones here we where having so much fun Paul asked me " y/n are you having fun? i'm so surprised you beat ace your really good at bowling we should do his again sometime" I said to Paul that I used to go bowling with my family on holiday so I had a lot of practise and thankyou so much for the best day ever.

After a long day of bowling we all decided to go home I said goodbye to the guys and left to go, when me and Paul got home we where so hyper, we both went in the back garden and "accidently" fell in the pool together, we both spent about 15 mins in the pool before we decided that it was getting late, we both got out the pool and went upstairs dripping water everywhere from our wet clothes, I went into my room and took a hot shower to get warm and then went to Pauls bedroom, I sat next to him on his bed and he said " i'm glad you enjoyed today you have helped us so much with planning our next concert and helping eric get comfortable in kiss your a real helper thankyou so much." I told him that it was my pleasure meeting you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I kissed Paul on the cheek and said good night, I left the room and gently shut the door behind me I walked to my room and sat in my bed, all of a sudden I got a call from Doc he told me that they where going to start a new kiss tour and I was the first to know so I could break the news to Paul gene ace and eric, he said they where going to call it " The unmasked Tour"...

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