The concert! 1979

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Todays the big day I go to my first kiss concert, I cant wait to see the star child in action he has such a beautiful voice. What do I have to bring I have never done this before, I remember my old bestfriend paul used to love playing the guitar if I new where he was I would have invited him to go with me but i'm going on my own, I think I would enjoy it more i'm going my own i wont get distracted anyway i think i'm going to bring my bag and a hair tie. I just left my apartment to catch a train to New york its about a 4 1/2 hour journey there.

Kiss where playing at a place called Madison square garden, it was my first time in New york its a big place, you can probably get lost really easily. I arrived there 3 hours before the concert had started, i didn't want to get myself lost so i went to a coffee shop across the road and waited. A lady came up to me in the coffee shop and told me to get out because i haven't ordered anything besides a iced coffee and a donut which i finished so i had to leave, when i left i accidentally tripped over someone i felt like such a loser but when i looked at their face they looked so familiar,he was tall and had long thick black hair and he had a deep voice anyway he helped me get up and told me he was sorry so i said its okay and we both walked off.

30 minuets before the concert is starting and there are thousands of people here (thank god i'm not claustrophobic) we was all waiting in a big long line to get into the venue lots of people dressed up as the demon  it was so cool to see how creative people can be! slowly the security was checking our tickets and letting us in, when i got to the door the security guard recognised me from tv and said to me " congrats for winning the money hope you enjoy the show!" in my head i thought he was going to tell me off but it was okay.

When you walk into this massive venue the first thing you see is the gigantic stage, since i got in pretty early i got quite near the stage its like a dream come true. 20 minutes in a loud voice over a speaker says " You wanted the best, you got the best the hottest band in the world KISS!" and in that moment when i herd the star childs voice i new i was in heaven. After two songs had gone past i wanted to get right in there, one of my fav songs is * * and it was on next so i jumped around like a monkey singing my heart out and having a blast till all of a sudden i made eye contact with the star child and for some reason he looked as if i was holding $1,000,000 in my hands and i don't know why was it because i was doing something wrong. 11 more songs went by and in everyone of them the star child looked at me, love gun was up next and that's when he goes into the crowd so this was my chance to get up close the one and only star child. I managed to get to the little stage where he goes, i watched him as he flew over the crowd it was epic.

The star child sang love gun then moved onto i was made for lovin you and in that moment he looked at me again with his hazel brown eyes, when he had finished singing he flew back over to the main stage and kiss started to play their last couple of songs, but i realised how lucky i was so, i made the most of these last moments and made sure i had the best time of my life. when they finished their last song i just cried, they are such amazing and talented people. When we all started to leave i herd screaming and i was so nervous i didn't know what was going on until i herd someone else scream " omg its the star child!" and my heart skipped a beat i couldn't go anywhere though, we where all leaving i couldn't get to the exit in time, i gave up trying so i just took my time leaving. When i got to the exit the security guard told me i had to go with him and i don't know why, i asked him where we where going and he said "The dressing rooms, the star child wants to talk with you." Omg...

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