The Unmasked Tour (final)

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I got a driver to take me to the venue it was only 15 minuets away, I wonder what the present is I cant wait to find out, I wonder what outfit Paul is wearing tonight I bet he will look amazing im getting way too exited I need to calm down jeez. When the driver got to the venue all of the fans where standing outside they all rushed to the car im in thinking it was kiss but they went in 3 hours ago but they didn't know that, everyone was taking my picture and filming me I told the driver to keep driving through to the back door that was so scary I cant believe how many people are here, when I got there I banged on the door and a security guard opened the door he asked me who I was and then asked for my ID I opened up my clutch it wasn't there I was in such a rush to leave I didn't put any of my things in there besides my phone, the security guard said that I could not go through and slammed the door in my face I sat back in the car and called Paul he picked up the phone and said" hey y/n are you nearly here not long till the concert starts?" I told him that the security guard isn't letting me in because I didn't have any ID then he slammed the door in my face "I will let you in now but you need to be fast so no one sees me", I got out the car and ran to the door Paul opened up the door and pulled me in I accidently tripped over a broom Paul quickly pulled me up and asked me if I was okay I said yes and he pulled me in for a hug Ace then walked over and said" Get a room" we both laughed.

Paul told me that I looked amazing and he loved my new hair style, he took me over to the dressing rooms and told me to sit in his chair all of a sudden the lights turned off and I herd nothing out of no where a loud bang came from behind me and it was gene getting ready for the show the lights turned back on and I told him off then gave gene a hug he said that he liked my outfit and I said the same to him, eric and ace both then came out and I gave them both a big hug I was so exited to see them both I asked ace if he was ready for the show and he took my hand and took me to his dressing table and told me to sit down he got his guitar out and started to play my fav kiss song it was amazing, I went over to eric and asked him how he was feeling he said that he felt nervous but he always feels nervous before a show I told him that he is going to be amazing and I told him to play his heart out he said thankyou and I gave him a hug, I walked over to Paul and I have him a long hug I asked him if he was okay he said yes thanks to you I told him that he was too sweet and kind to me but he disagreed we both laughed.

The concert starts in 15 minuets I helped everyone out with what they are going to where and getting them in the mood, gene kept on scaring me with his demon face he gets me every time, Paul shouted my name and asked me to go in his room i went in and he asked me to zip him up when I did he wanted to give me my present he pulled out 2 small bags and a letter he gave me the letter first and I read it out loud it said" To y/n I wanted to say how happy I am that I have been reunited with you when I saw you in that crowd in new York it made me so happy I wanted to cry I have been trying to find you for so long I am so sorry I left you that was one of the worst thing that I ever did but your here now and that's all that matters you have helped us so much with KISS and we all love you so much for that, this letter is mostly about how thankful and happy I am that you here but I do have a question for you." I look up and Paul says " y/n will you go out with me?" omg did Paul Stanley just ask me out im freaking out right now I shout yes and hug him tightly he gives be one of the small bags and inside is a bracelet which has me and Pauls name on it I put it on and Paul has a matching one all of a sudden Paul pulls me in and kisses me on the lips it was like I was dreaming I have always loved Paul so much but I don't really bring it up I keep it silent but this is a dream come true, we both pull away and look in each others eyes he was beautiful he held onto my hand and we walked out of Pauls dressing room Gene Ace and eric was all looking and Paul said " I did it!" all of a sudden everyone was cheering for us, Gene pulled me aside and told me " when Paul got here to practise 3 hours ago he told us that he was going to ask you out we all loved the idea of you two getting together" I said thanks to gene and thanks to Ace and Eric, Paul looked at the time and realised that there was only 6 minuets till the show starts everyone put there shoes on and all walked down towards the stage, I was still helping Paul get on his 7 inch leather heels, I finally did it and got him up all of a sudden he was so tall I could barley touch his shoulders I held his and took him out to the stage I asked him where I should go and he said that I can stay on the stage and watch the show from there (I cant believe im going to watch the show from the stage.) I got on the stage and gave Paul his guitar an I can hear all the fans screaming I give Paul a kiss for good luck and another one because I love him I run off the stage and I can hear the man on the speakers scream " you wanted the best, you got the best the hottest band in the world KISS!" and the fun just began.

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