The Star child

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I followed the security guard to the back of the stage and told me to go through a door which lead to the dressing rooms, I was so nervous I was about to meet the star child, I walked through the door and no one was there so I sat in a chair in front of a mirror. 5 minutes went by and no one came I put my hands on my head thinking that I might have been tricked but why would people be screaming his name if he wasn't there, I accidently fell asleep I had a long day traveling and parting.

When I woke up I found myself in someone's house I got up and put some jeans on and walked around the room trying to find out where I was, but then I herd some knocking I opened up the door and there was a tall man with black long hair I had then realised it was the man I had tripped over when I left the café, I asked him where I was he said I had to follow him so I did, his voice sounded so familiar, but all I could really think of was where I was. The man told me to go in this room it was beautiful it had an amazing view and red bed sheets, I explored around the room and found a picture of the star child on the wall I picked it up and looked more closer then a mans voice said "That was me in 1978 when I first moved into this house, me and the guys wanted a party so we did" I turn myself around to see a beautiful man standing in the door way, he moved closer to me and I realised it was Paul, tears started to collect in my eyes we both hugged each other and didn't let go for it least 5 minuets.

We both sat down on his bed and he told me his whole story he told me " I always loved singing and playing the guitar, I remember when we where younger we both put all our toys in a row and we would perform to them, I wanted my dream to come true so I met up with gene one of my high school buddies, we decided to start a band called kiss and this is where we are today, I remember last night when I saw you for the first time my heart skipped a beat I thought I would never see you again. I told to the security guard last night if you could come to the dressing rooms but we where in a rush to leave and I didn't make it to the dressing rooms in time to see you after the show so I took you home with me also sorry about gene waking you up he lives with me now he told me you tripped over him yesterday!" We both sat there for 2 hours having a catch up about how he moved on from me and told me it was the worst thing he did, but he had to let go of me otherwise he couldn't focus on his career, I told him it was okay I was just glad to know that my best friend is okay but I was more shocked to find out that my best friend it The Star child and his friend is The Demon and I tripped over him, I didn't recognise Paul or gene without there makeup off until today. Its so crazy that Paul got to grow up to be famous and I grew up in a small apartment, I didn't tell that to him because I didn't want him to know.

Me Paul and gene spent the whole day together, having fun and catching up, it was getting late so I told them i have to go home and i also didn't want to get in the way with there tour. Paul said that he would drop me off at my apartment but i didn't want him to see were i lived so i told him that i as okay but he insisted so i didn't have a choice. We where nearly at my apartment so i told the driver to stop 5 blocks away from my apartment, Paul was so confused but he eventually forgot, we both got out the car and we gave each other the biggest hug and we promised each other that we would see each other again, he got back in the car and i waved goodbye and then started to walk back home. When i got home i thought to myself how he was so successful and i have to hide from him where i live. I took a shower and was ready to go to bed, i went to get my phone downstairs but my window was open i never open my windows, all of a sudden a man with a gun told me not to scream and asked me were the rest of the money was that i won i told him. I also had to give him my phone, my purse and my jewelry i was left with nothing and then he tied me to a table and left.

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