Lost without you. pt 2

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"Where am I... Am I  dead."

My chest was in immense pain.

"No, death wouldn't be this painful."

My hand moved subconsciously to my chest, feeling the bandages wrapped tightly round. The soft fabric felt nice against my skin, a change from the dirty, torn shirt I had been wearing the past... what was it, days, weeks, months?

There was a beautiful tempting smell. There was a voice telling me to eat it, however I wasn't trusting it.

"I don't know who left it there, It could be a trap."
"You just don't want to eat. You need to eat!"

The voice was right, my stomach was grumbling but I ignored it.

I rolled over onto my arm, immediately yelping a rolling back onto my back.

"I must've sprained my arm."

"Hey, Toms! How are you feeling."

"Ranboo saved you, he can be trusted. You may not remember but he was the one who saved you from Dream last night."

"I feel like shit."
"Holy shit, was that MY voice? God I sound awful."
"Yeah, understandable. You hungry? I have soup. You need to try eat to make a recovery."

I opened my eyes and stared at the ender hybrid. He was holding a mug with presumably soup, sipping it. Don't know how but the next words I uttered slipped out, quietly, but he definitely still heard it.

"What if I don't want to make a recovery."
"Oh." His voice went softer.

He put down the mug and came and helped me sit up. He sat down beside me.

I was worried. God, he was gonna sit here and try talk me out of it but he didn't say what I expected.

"Know that I care about you and will never stop caring. If you don't want to talk about it, don't. Just know you can whenever you're ready." He continued talking, as if this previous statement hadn't been spoke. "You had a pretty bad cut, I cleaned it bandaged it. I have regen to help with the pain if you need it."
"Thank you. Uh, yeah, I like the bandages. They're soft."
Ranboo laughed gently. "Guess they are. I tried cleaning your shirt, but the stain wouldn't come out. So that's a shame."
"It doesn't really matter. I don't plan on going out."
Ranboo scoffed. "Yeah, I'm not planning on it either. Everyone thinks you're dead."

Ranboo's POV:

"They do?"
"Yeah, They're convinced I buried you." I was trying to be as gentle as I could with my words.
"Why can't they know."
"Because it's safer for you. If people knew you were alive, it'd spread to Dream and we'd both be goners."
"That's fair. I really don't mind. I do want to be away from most people right now. So how'd you pull it off?"
"I'll explain as basically as I can."


It was rather late. I had spent probably a few hours making the grave look believable. I put the gravestone at the head of the grave and stood back. It had the words messily carved into the rock 'Here lies Tommy, a boy with a dream. A dream to make the world a better place.'

"Cheesy but true... except the 'here lies' bit."

I built the grave in the holy land, near the church. I left some flowers I had picked on my way here.

"Who said that?" I spun on my heels. "Oh, Fundy... hey."
"Is that..." He pointed down at the grave. I nodded, hesitantly. He began to  tear up. "Oh, I was trying to hope for the best..."
"God I was gonna have to lie to everyone... Jesus, I couldn't let anyone get hold of my memory book."
"Fundy it isn't your fault. You can't blame yourself for these things."
"I know, I just..." He leant forwards a bit, and hugged round my stomach."

I sat down in the grass, with Fundy clinging onto me like a lifeline. I patted his head gently, trying my best to comfort the poor man.

"It's unfair. Tommy had a life to live, and it was taken away from him. Everyone I've ever loved has left me, or died and I-" His words started to get jumbled up but I still nodded and listened to him.

He took a few deep breaths and picked himself of the ground and helped me up.

"Thank Ranboo. I'm glad you're still here."
"Don't worry about it."
Fundy waved his hand at the grave, "I'll tell people *Gulp*  it's been done."
"Alright, bye Fundy."

He waved his goodbye and walked out of the holy land.


"I feel so bad for Fundy, he has been through a lot."
"Yeah..." I sipped on my soup. "You should  try some of this, it's really nice." He looked at it in disgust. "Have a much or little as you like, you just need to take a few sips."

He sighed as I passed him the mug.

Tommy's POV:

"Just try the fucking food. Ranboo will never try hurt you. He said you just need to have a few sips. He's not gonna force you to do anything. DRINK."

As the voice said that, my arms moved and I took a gulp. It tasted so good, one sip lead to another, lead to another and before I realized it, the cup was empty.

I hadn't eaten in days and I heard my stomach growl for more of Ranboo's cooking.

"Do you.. can I have some more." I asked shyly.
"Of course, have as much as you like."

I ended up drinking 5 cups of the stuff, before I felt myself becoming drowsy. This was the first time in weeks I had been properly fed.

"Thank you for saving me Ranboo..." I shut my eyes and leant against the taller man, feeling warmth radiating off of him. "I want to recover, just promise me one thing."
"What is it Toms?"

"Toms.., I like that nick name~"
"Yeah, same. No one's ever called me that before."

"Promise me you'll never leave me."


"I promise, I'll never leave you alone. I am going to stick with you 'till the end cause....

I'm lost without you.

Dude, I had so much fun writing this. Drop a vote if you liked this, it's kinda like Wattpad's equivalent to Youtube's likes. And maybe follow if you aren't already, I really appreciate it.

I might do a part 3, I'm just think of the plot of the chapter. Its gonna be based around Eret I think, like Ranboo and Eret are hanging out but Ranboo forgets his memory book and... I'm not getting into it cuz it isn't definite. Bye yall Xxx

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