A Shooting

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Trigger warning: Gun violence, death maybe :)

I've been weirdly obsessed with gun violence lately so yeahhhh...

Tubbo's POV:

"I can't believe you dragged me into your cult."

I skipped out of the club room, swinging my backpack at my side.

"It's not a cult, its a club. The best club."
"I would've preferred to do the fight cult."
"You and I both know neither of us would last five minutes there." I laughed. "And plus, nature is better!"
"Lets agree to disagree cause I know I'm good at combat."
"Sureeee and you joined it with me."

He crossed his arms, faking being upset.

"You forced me."
"Nuh uh."
"Yeah, you did. You're so clingy man."
"Nuh uh!" I shook my head.
"Yah huh!" He nodded.
"Nuh uh!"
"Yah huh!"
"Fine, lets agree to disagree, in your own words~"

He laughed his stupidly obnoxious laugh and sat down at the bus stop. It was almost contagious and we found ourselves in a fit of giggles, earning a few dirty looks from strangers.

-time skip-

We got onto the bus to be met with some familiar faces.


A boy with dark hair and a few white streaks waved to us.

"Hey Fundy!"

I sat down beside him and started talking the group.

There was Wilbur, Techno, Eret and Sapnap.

"What did you guys do?" Tommy asked.
"Well I had a student council meeting."
"Fundy and I went to band, and Techno and Sapnap went to the fight club."
"Well, we were going to go there but instead we went to the stupid nature club."
"You seemed to enjoy it while we were there?"
"No I didn't!" He crossed his arms and pouted.

We all laughed when the doors opened.

"Why'd the door-"

Two masked men walked onto the bus, each holding rifles. We all dropped to the ground, unable to get anything else. I heard a gunshot and a low scream and the bus moving again shortly after.

(A/N: Jesus, this really escalated, innit? What is my brain...)

"How the fuck did they get guns? We're in England god sake!" I heard Wilbur whisper.

"Not a clue." Techno whispered.
"Holy shit, this is cr-"

The man holding the gun, shot in the direction of us and it hit right beside Sapnap's head. He let out a shrill shriek and went silent.

I could hear the man cocking his gun and then there was a yell.

Tommy's POV:

I was laying beside Sapnap. It felt like some sort of action movie. I looked over at him and watched a bullet land beside him. He flinched and shrieked.

I clenched my fists. No one hurts my friends... I slipped my phone out my pocket and unlocked it with my finger print. I took a deep breath.

"For them."

I picked myself up, kicked the phone into Sapnap and dived at the man with a gun.

Wilbur's POV:

This is terrifying. We can't do anything.

"DIAL 999!" I heard Tommy scream.

I looked up to see Tommy wrestling the man with the gun. He had grabbed the gun from behind and was holding it against his neck. He had managed to get him into a choke hold. He was thrashing, trying to get out of Tommy's grip.

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