Expectations. pt 3

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Dream's POV:

A servant knocked on my door and summoned me for breakfast.

"Thank you Miss, if you could.."
"Oh, I'll take you down there if you're lost."

I was relieved. I didn't exactly want to spend possible hours trying to find the dining hall

"Thank you Miss."
"Please, call me Niki." She curtseyed.

She led me through countless corridors, talking to me. She seemed friendly, just like everyone else I had encountered so far.

"This castle is decades old, the King's great great grandfather first moved to this land and built the city up from the ground."
"Wow, that's amazing."

She looked away from me and ahead and smiled seeing Ranboo just ahead

"Hey Ranboo!"
He turned around and gave a friendly wave. "Hey Niki. Oh and hey Dre- I mean, good day Prince Dream." He gave a simple bow and walked beside us.

He appeared to be writing in a book.

"What's that, a diary?"
He seemed to hesitate, speaking in a more nervous tone. "No, I have memory loss so I have to write things down just in case I have an episode." He closed the book and tucked it into his pocket.
"I'm an Ender Hybrid and sometimes I go kinda like an ender man. Ya know, moving things around, cannot make eye contact and so forth. All hybrids get them, some more than others."
"Oh ok."

We had reached the dining hall where a few people where sat round a large table. Wilbur was playing a melody on his guitar, Tommy was talking to a boy I didn't recognise, Phil was sat at the end of the table reading a newspaper and Techno was sat alone staring into space.

"Hey Techno." Ranboo and I sat beside him.
He didn't reply. "Techno..?"
"What a coincidence, he's having an episode."

Ranboo traced where he was looking, and sighed. He got out of his chair and walked over to Tommy and his friend.

"Tubbo, we need your broach."

Ranboo pointed over to Techno who was obviously staring directly at him. He unpinned the shiny piece of gold off his shirt.

"You need to be careful with wearing gold around him."
"Make sure he returns it." The boy supposedly called Tubbo requested.

Techno's head tracked Ranboo as he walked back round the table.

"Here ya go."

Ranboo placed it in his hands and the piglin studied the beautiful jewellery with great interest.

"His episodes, he gets terribly distracted by things like jewellery, gold and anything that looks close to."
"Huh... does it hurt or anything?"
"No, its just like day dreaming."

I watched him fiddle with the gold, his pupils had dilated making him look younger then he really was. His long, messy pink hair was tucked carelessly behind his pig-like ears.

A few peaceful minutes passed when out of nowhere, Techno got out of his chair. He walked round the table and handed the broach to Tubbo.

"I'm sorry Toby."
"You can't help it, don't worry!" He smiled.

He smiled at me as he walked back round.

"Hey~ How'd you sleep?"

He spoke constantly in an almost taunting, sarcastic tone so I never knew if he was making fun of me or not.

"Not too well if I'm honest, I'm not to used to the beds here." I made up the excuse at the top of my head.
"Yeah, the mattresses are rather soft for my liking. So, either of you got any plans for the day?"
Ranboo nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to the town centre. Ingrid and the others are back in town and they've got a bunch of exotic fruits to sell and they're not gonna last long."
"Make sure to grab mangos, I've been craving smoothies lately."
"I'm also going to town centre today."

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now